Accredited HVAC Schools in Milwaukee, WI
When choosing a school, it is essential to determine if it is accredited and by which organization. Accreditation is the process by which an independent agency evaluates the quality of the program curriculum and instructors.
HVAC programs are accredited by two industry organizations. HVAC Excellence has not accredited a Wisconsin program; however, the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has awarded accreditation to the following schools:
- Blackhawk Technical College – Janesville, WI
- Chippewa Valley Technical College – Eau Claire, WI
- Moraine Park Technical College – Fond du Lac, WI
- Western Technical College – La Crosse, WI
Although attending Blackhawk Technical College would require Milwaukee students to commute, it is included in the profiles below due to industry accreditation and the options it offers.
Blackhawk Technical College
The college offers a residential HVAC certificate program and an HVAC/R technology diploma program. Coursework for both programs is divided between classroom lectures and hands-on training on state-of-the-art equipment in the new lab. Some coursework may be available online, and some lab time may qualify for the “flexlab” format.
The certificate program includes the following coursework: HVAC/R fundamentals, electricity fundamentals, blueprint reading, codes, computerized HVAC/R design, shop math, piping, refrigerants, heating systems, motors and controls, and human relations.
Students complete 26 credit-hours to earn their certificate and are qualified to seek entry-level employment as residential technicians.
The HVAC/R technology program includes the above coursework as well as advanced classes in each subject. Additional coursework continues with the following: electronic energy management, HVAC installation, hydronics, control circuits, service and troubleshooting, industry exam preparation, and communication.
Students complete 55 credit-hours to earn their diploma. They are qualified to seek employment as technicians and other industry occupations or they may transfer their credits to a four-year college.
- Location: Janesville, WI
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: $134.20 per credit-hour
- Format: Online and on-campus
- Program Length: Certificate one year; diploma two years
Gateway Technical College
Gateway offers an HVAC/R degree program. Students learn theory in a classroom setting and receive extensive hands-on training in fully equipped labs. The labs include equipment from various manufacturers to give students comprehensive experience. The curriculum includes: workplace fundamentals, air conditioning and electricity fundamentals, refrigeration fundamentals, mechanical fundamentals, electrical controls and systems, heating systems and applications, HVAC systems, control circuit applications, blueprint reading, electronic energy management, troubleshooting and repair, computers for professionals, math, and technical reporting.
Non-technical coursework includes English composition, oral/interpersonal communication, sociology, psychology, and economics. Students complete 69 credit-hours to earn their degree. Graduates are qualified to sit for industry certification exams and seek employment as technicians.
- Location: Kenosha, WI
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: $136.50 per credit-hour
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: Two years
Milwaukee Area Technical College
The MATC offers an HVAC service technical diploma and an HVAC/R technology degree program at their Oak Creek Campus. The diploma program prepares students for employment as HVAC service and installation technicians. The curriculum includes the following: electrical circuits and controls, air conditioning principles, basic refrigeration and system operations, oil furnace service and maintenance, gas furnace service and operation, technical math, electrical systems and wiring, heat pumps, and communication.
Students complete a total of 30 credit-hours to earn their degree.
The degree program builds on the diploma program by adding the following coursework: architectural and mechanical fundamentals, heating systems, digital energy management systems, controls and circuits, and refrigeration.
Non-technical coursework includes economics, communication skills, energy, psychology, and sociology for a total of 70 credit-hours to earn their degree.
- Location: Oak Creek, WI
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: $152.80 per credit-hour
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: Diploma 32 weeks; degree two years
Waukesha County Technical College
Waukesha offers a refrigeration service certificate program and an HVAC/R technical diploma program. The certificate program includes four courses in commercial refrigeration and one course in basic HVAC electricity, for a total of nine credit-hours.
Coursework for the HVAC/R technical diploma program may be completed during a full-time daytime schedule or during an evening schedule. Both schedules include the following curriculum: HVAC/R fundamentals, HVAC/R controls, installation, air flow, heat pumps, piping, troubleshooting, psychometrics, hydronics, troubleshooting, design, commercial HVAC, and workplace communication.
The curriculum requires 28 credit hours to complete. Graduates are qualified to install, service, and troubleshoot HVAC/R systems.
- Location: Pewaukee, WI
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: $136.50 per credit-hour
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: One year