Accredited HVAC Schools in Tacoma, WA
Students choosing formal HVAC programs should ensure that the school they select is accredited. Accreditation is a process by which an independent agency evaluates the quality of the program, including both the curriculum and the instructors.
HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) accredit HVAC programs.
To date, HVAC Excellence has not accredited a Washington program. PAHRA has awarded accreditation to Bates Technical College. Other schools in the profiles below have received accreditation from other agencies.
Note: The information in this article was compiled in February 2021 during the “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” restrictions. The profiled schools have either temporarily suspended classes or are transitioning to online options to comply with the restrictions. Questions as to timing and format should be directed to the school administration.
Bates Technical College
Students at Bates may choose to earn an HVAC/R support technician certificate of competency or an HVAC/R technician degree. The curriculum for both programs includes classroom lectures combined with hands-on training in the lab.
The programs require students to pass the Air Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) industry competency exams as a condition of graduation. Graduates are also qualified to take other industry exams that increase their employability, including EPA Section 608 certification, OSHA 30, and employment-ready certifications. They receive 1,100 hours of credit toward the Washington State O6A electrical certificate.
The curriculum for the certificate programs includes HVAC fundamentals, job safety, tools and equipment, HVAC/R science, refrigeration systems, electrical systems, components, and troubleshooting, soldering and brazing, residential HVAC systems, light commercial HVAC systems, heat pumps, drafting and blueprint reading, commercial environmental systems, chilled water systems, hydronic systems, cooling towers, thermal storage, commercial refrigeration, installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting, and general education electives that include math, communication, and humanities. Students earn their certificates at the completion of 99 credits.
Students in the degree program complete the same technical coursework as those in the certificate program. The degree program, however, has two concentration options, and students complete additional coursework in the chosen option. Option A is welding, and Option B is sheet metal. They also complete general education electives as recommended by their advisor. Students are awarded their degrees at the completion of 103 credits.
- Location: Tacoma, WA
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
- Tuition: $131.42 per credit
- Program Length: Six quarters
Clover Park Technical College
Clover Park offers three programs: refrigeration specialist certificate, basic HVAC/R service technician certificate, and an HVAC technology degree. The curriculum for the programs includes classroom lectures and hands-on training in the lab.
Students in the refrigeration specialist certificate program complete the following coursework: basic electricity, electrical circuits, advanced controls and troubleshooting, electric motors, basic refrigeration, and preparation for Section 608 certification exams. Students must pass one state-recognized certification exam and four nationally recognized certificate exams to graduate. They earn their certificate at the completion of 42 credits.
The coursework in the refrigeration specialist program is a prerequisite for students enrolling in the basic HVAC/R service technician program. Additional curriculum includes refrigeration controls, advanced motor theory, and heating. Students also complete general education coursework that includes English composition or public speaking, math, psychology, and college success. They must pass six nationally recognized certification exams as part of their coursework. Their certificate is awarded at the completion of 87 credits.
Students in the degree program complete all the technical coursework in the certificate programs and add commercial refrigeration, advanced refrigeration, and computer literacy to their curriculum. In addition, they must complete the general education electives for a total of 112 credits and pass seven nationally recognized certification exams to receive their degree.
- Location: Lakewood, WA
- Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
- Tuition: Lower divisions courses $111.92 per credit; upper-division courses $219.39 per credit
- Program Length: Refrigeration specialist certificate (two quarters); basic HVAC/R service technician (three quarters); HVAC technology degree (four quarters)
Renton Technical College
The college offers a certificate and a degree program in commercial refrigeration technology. The curriculum for the certificate program includes industrial electricity, diagnostic techniques and test equipment, electric motors, refrigeration principles, refrigerants, brazing, commercial refrigeration, HVAC and controls, commercial ice machines, commercial refrigerator service, industrial math, safety, tool, and equipment certification, trades math, communication for trades, human relations for trades, and college success. Students complete 61 credits to earn their certificate.
Students who are seeking a degree complete all the coursework in the certificate program. They add the following courses: advanced refrigeration, advanced HVAC systems and controls, financial math or financial algebra or math and society, or statistics, introduction to communication, composition, and psychology. They are awarded their degree at the completion of 91 credits.
Graduates of both programs understand safety standards for the installation of all major appliances and are able to diagnose and repair major appliances, home, and commercial refrigeration products.
- Location: Renton, WA
- Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
- Tuition: $130.04 per credit
- Program Length: Certificate (three quarters); degree (five quarters)
Tacoma students who are unable to attend a local or nearby school on-campus may find that an online institution will better meet their needs. More information on accredited programs is available at online HVAC training.