Accredited HVAC Programs in Spokane, WA
For formal degree and certificate programs, it is essential to determine if a school is accredited and by which organization. Accreditation is a process by which an independent agency evaluates the quality of the program, including both the curriculum and the instructors.
Two organizations evaluate and certify HVAC programs: HVAC Excellence, which has not yet accredited a Washington state program, and Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA), which has accredited Bates Technical College, a public post-secondary school located in Tacoma.
Despite the five-hour drive from Spokane, Bates is included in the profiles below due to its accreditation status. Furthermore, there are other programs within Spokane and surrounding areas that boast other reputable forms of accreditation.
North Idaho College
North Idaho College offers an intermediate technical certificate in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVACR) preparing students to take up entry-level jobs. Typical duties of entry-level HVAC/R technicians include working on light commercial and residential HVAC/R systems performing preventative service and maintenance, and equipment installations and repairing tasks.
This 42- to 45-credit-hour program includes courses such as HVAC/R principles, HVACR electrical, HVACR heating, HVACR systems, refrigeration, HVAC/R codes and licenses, occupational relations and job search, fundamentals for writing, introduction to computer applications, and technical mathematics.
Graduates of this program will become proficient in applying safety procedures and techniques for servicing and troubleshooting HVACR systems, installing and repairing fossil fuel combustion systems, fixing oil combustion and electric furnace operations, troubleshooting refrigeration processes, and interpreting electrical schematics and blueprints.
- Location: Coeur d’Alene, ID
- Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (the NWCCU)
- Expected Time to Completion: Nine months
- Estimated Tuition: Resident ($141.50 per credit-hour); (non-resident ($364); non-district ($165)
Spokane Community College
SCC offers an associate in applied science in HVAC/R degree program. Coursework includes classroom lectures and hands-on training in a fully-equipped lab.
This 123 credit-hour program includes courses such as fundamentals of electricity in HVAC/R, HVAC/R electrical applications and lab, fundamentals of heating systems and lab, fundamentals of refrigeration and lab, HVAC/R safety, fundamentals of air conditioning and lab, system performance testing, and lab and system servicing and troubleshooting of heat pumps. Students may complete an optional internship. Graduates are prepared for industry exams and are qualified to receive their electrical trainee license.
Students learn how to troubleshoot and repair electric and gas furnaces, troubleshoot and repair commercial refrigeration and air conditioning systems, and design, install, and commission a basic Direct Digital Control system. On completion of the program, students can also sit for the EPA 608 Universal Refrigerant Handling License.
- Location: Spokane, WA
- Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
- Expected Time to Completion: 24 months
- Estimated Tuition: Resident ($10,380) non-resident ($12,422)
Bates Technical College
Bates offers an HVAC/R support technician certificate of competency and an HVAC/R technician associate degree program. Both programs require students to pass the Air Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) industry competency exams to graduate. Coursework includes exam preparation classes and graduates are qualified to take other industry exams that increase their employability. They receive 1,100 hours of credit toward the Washington State O6A electrical certificate.
The certificate program requires 99 credit-hours to complete. The program begins with training in HVAC fundamentals, job safety, and tools and equipment. Students progress to learning HVAC/R science, refrigeration systems, electrical components and systems, cooling tower basics, thermal storage, and troubleshooting. They also study heat pumps, hydronics, chilled water systems, and cooling systems, and learn skills such as soldering and brazing, drafting, and reading blueprints. They are also required to take industry math, communication, and humanities electives.
The degree program has two concentration options: welding or sheet metal. Coursework covers the same areas as the certificate program, with additional classes in the chosen option. Additional electives include practical applications and independent projects. The degree program requires 103 credit-hours to complete.
- Location: Tacoma, WA
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
- Expected Time to Completion: Certificate (60 weeks); degree (two years)
- Estimated Tuition: $127.93 per credit-hour