Accredited HVAC Schools in Chesapeake, VA
When choosing an HVAC training school, it is essential to determine if it is accredited and by which organization. Accreditation means that an independent agency has evaluated the quality of the program curriculum and instructors.
HVAC programs are accredited by two organizations. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation has not yet accredited a Virginia program. HVAC Excellence has awarded accreditation to five Virginia programs, including the Virginia Beach Technical and Career Education Center.
Centura College
Centura has campuses throughout Virginia. They offer an HVAC diploma program at their Chesapeake and Newport News campuses. Coursework includes classroom lectures and hands-on training that emphasizes troubleshooting skills and prepares students for industry certification exams including OSHA 10 and EPA Section 608. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level employment as technicians.
Classes are available during the day or at night for a total of 36 credit-hours. The curriculum covers air conditioning and refrigeration fundamentals, comfort and psychometrics, commercial HVAC and HVAC/R, heat pumps, heating systems, and HVAC and HVAC/R controls.
- Location: Chesapeake and Newport News, VA
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Tuition: $636 per credit
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: 48 weeks
Thomas Nelson Community College
Thomas Nelson Community College offers an HVAC/R career studies certificate program, an HVAC/R certificate program, and a degree program. The HVAC/R career studies certificate includes coursework in circuits and controls, heating systems, refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pumps. Students complete 22 credits, which may be applied to the HVAC/R certificate program.
The certificate program includes the above coursework, with the addition of college composition, first aid and safety, mechanical codes, technical math, and planning and estimating. Students complete a minimum of 35 credits over two semesters.
The HVAC/R technical studies degree prepares students for managerial and supervisory positions as well as employment as technicians. The coursework includes the curriculum from the certificate programs and the addition of the following technical subjects: information systems and information literacy, electricity fundamentals, technical writing, HVAC/R analysis, direct digital controls, cooperative education, and programmable controllers.
Students also complete coursework in non-technical subjects that include fundamentals of reasoning, calculus, social science, principles of supervision and leadership development, small business management, and humanities for a total of 67 credits to earn their degree. Credits may be transferred to Old Dominion University after consultation with an academic advisor.
- Location: Hampton, VA
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCC)
- Tuition: $160.20 per credit
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: Four months for the career studies certificate; eight months for the HVAC/R certificate; two years for the degree
Tidewater Community College
TCC offers an HVAC/R certificate and degree program. The certificate program prepares students for entry-level positions as residential or commercial technicians, sales representatives and control services technicians. The 35-credit curriculum covers college composition, controls, duct construction and maintenance, heating systems, HVAC/R fundamentals, HVAC systems, hydronics, psychometrics, and other subjects. Certificate credits can be transferred to the degree program.
The 68-credit degree program has three specialties: commercial, residential, and supervision and management. The curriculum includes the above certificate coursework as well as courses in indoor air quality, computer applications and concepts, customer service, safety and health codes and regulations, system startup and commissioning, humanities, and social science. Students then choose from HVAC and other electives relevant to their specialty to complete their degree.
- Location: Portsmouth, VA
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCC)
- Tuition: $185.35 per credit
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: 18 months for the certificate; two years for the degree
Virginia Beach Technical and Career Education Center
As part of the city’s public school system, the VB Technical and Career Education Center offers an HVAC program that provides training for high school students. The curriculum includes courses on central and window air conditioning units, electrical circuits, heat pumps, ice makers and refrigerators, oil and gas furnaces, piping, safety, and soldering and brazing.
Students can get hands-on training with an optional internship with a local company or apply their coursework toward completing a full apprenticeship. Graduates are prepared to sit for industry exams that include EPA 608 certification, R410A Reclamation Safety, and workplace readiness skills.
- Location: Virginia Beach, VA
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence and the Virginia Board of Education
- Tuition: Not disclosed on the website
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: Two years
Students who are unable to attend on-campus schools may find that online institutions can better meet their needs. For more information on accredited programs available, explore online HVAC training programs.