Accredited HVAC Schools in Utah
HVAC and refrigeration systems are increasingly complex. For this reason, contractors often prefer to hire workers who have completed formal coursework as well as on-the-job training.
Training programs that are accredited have met certain industry standards, although accreditation status is not a guarantee of future employment or other outcomes. The Partnership for Air Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) and HVAC Excellence are the two currently recognized accrediting agencies for HVAC schools.
However, as of December 2023, there are no programs in Utah recognized by these entities, although most of the below options boast accreditation from reputable sources.
Salt Lake Community College
Salt Lake Community College offers a competency-based air conditioning/heating/refrigeration certificate of completion program, preparing students to take up jobs in HVAC/R. The program provides students with various opportunities to advance their skills by taking up nationally recognized tests and earning industry-recognized certifications.
The program includes 875 clock hours of required courses and 80 clock hours of electives. The required courses include computer concepts, safety fundamentals, basic electricity for HVAC, basic refrigeration, fundamentals of gas heating, HVAC customer soft skills, job-seeking skills, refrigeration applications, and residential HVAC applications, among others.
Students will also have the option of third-party certifications in the following areas as required: EPA 608, EPA 609, COSA, RMGA gas service training certification, and green mechanical awareness certification, to name a few. At the end of the program, graduates can pursue opportunities such as HVAC/R installers and mechanics, heating and air conditioning mechanics, and refrigeration mechanics.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
- Expected Time to Completion: 955 hours
- Estimated Tuition: $2,339.75
Fortis College
Fortis College has campuses across the US, including one in Salt Lake City, UT that offers the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration training program preparing students for entry-level employment as an HVAC technician. Students will be trained to carry out computerized diagnostics and repair complex systems, such as heat pumps, commercial refrigerators, gas heaters, and air conditioners. They will also learn how to troubleshoot ventilation systems.
Taught by experienced instructors, students in this program learn how to apply their learnings to real-world problems. The practical skills they gain in the lab will help them operate with a wide range of heating, ventilation, and cooling systems. To qualify for admission, a student must be a high school graduate or possess the recognized equivalent of a high school certificate.
Made up of 64 credits, courses in the program include HVAC/R controls, thermodynamics, refrigerants, residential air conditioning, commercial air conditioning, industrial refrigeration, and gas heating systems, among others.
Upon completion of the program, graduates will be well-equipped to maintain systems of commercial and residential buildings of all kinds. They will have the skills necessary to operate, develop, and test HVAC equipment. Successful graduates will also be eligible to take the EPA Universal Certification Exam.
- Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Expected Time to Completion: 48 weeks
- Estimated Tuition: $17,636
Mountainland Technical College (Apprenticeship & Certificate Program)
Mountainland Technical College in Orem, UT offers a 360-hour HVAC apprenticeship program that incorporates both classroom and hands-on learning. Students applying to this program must be currently employed by an HVAC company. Unemployed students are admitted only as space permits. As an apprentice, students will learn about the techniques for installing new equipment and repairing and troubleshooting existing equipment.
Mountainland Technical College also offers a 60-hour A7 automotive HVAC program covering the HVAC systems for light trucks and automotive cars. Hands-on and theory training includes instruction in electrical fundamentals, shop safety, and all systems and components both electronic and mechanical that are related to a vehicle’s heating and air conditioning system, manufacturer web-based training, ASE practice testing, and a final exam. Through the course of the program, students will also take the highly coveted online EPA section 609 Certification exam.
- Location: Apprenticeship (Orem campus); A7 automotive HVAC program (MTECH Lehi Main and Spanish Fork Campuses)
- Accreditation: Commission of the Council on Occupational Education
- Expected Time to Completion: Apprenticeship (360 hours); A7 automotive HVAC program (60 hours)
- Estimated Tuition: Apprenticeship ($189); A7 automotive HVAC program ($126)
Ogden-Weber Technical College
Finally, Ogden-Weber Technical College in Ogden, UT offers an HVAC/R service technician apprentice program. After 740 hours of classroom training, students are awarded an HVAC certificate. Evening classes make this program ideal for those who work in HVAC and wish to advance their career.
Along with classroom and lab instruction, the program also provides students with hands-on training. The curriculum focuses on water systems, electronic control systems, fully automated systems, and gas systems. Students also gain the skills and knowledge needed for installing, diagnosing, and repairing HVAC systems in public, residential, industrial, and commercial buildings. On successful completion of this program, students can also apply credits to the associate of applied science at Weber State University.
- Location: Ogden, Utah
- Accreditation: Commission of the Council on Occupational Education
- Expected Time to Completion: 30 months
- Estimated Tuition: $2,405 total
Davis Technical College
Davis Technical College’s HVAC program prepares students with the necessary skills and knowledge required for installing, troubleshooting, and diagnosing a variety of equipment.
Graduates will be able to find employment opportunities with small residential HVAC shops, commercial maintenance & repair contractors, as well as large industrial firms throughout the country. They will also be prepared for industry certifications exams such as the EPA 608 Refrigerant Handler Certification Exam, the Rocky Mountain Gas Association Exam, ESCO Institute Green Awareness Certification, Mobile Air Conditioning Society Section 609, and the OSHA Safety (10-Hour).
Made up of 720 clock hours, the program will delve into topics such as the basics of HVAC trade, principles of heating systems, installation and troubleshooting of air-conditioning and heat pumps systems, basic building design, indoor air quality, and residential load calculations.
- Location: Kaysville, Utah
- Accreditation: Commission of the Council on Occupational Education (COE)
- Expected Time to Completion: Eight to 15 months
- Estimated Tuition: $3,200