Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Grand Prairie, TX
Students who prefer to attend a school should select an accredited institution. Accredited schools have undergone an evaluation by an independent agency of their program’s curriculum and instructors. HVAC programs are evaluated by HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA).
HVAC Excellence has accredited Laredo College, Laredo, and Lincoln College of Technology, Grand Prairie. PAHRA has accredited Vernon College, Wichita Falls. Lincoln College of Technology is the only institution included in the school profiles below, as the two others would require a lengthy commute for Grand Prairie students. Other reputable agencies have accredited the remaining schools.
Dallas College North Lake Campus
Dallas College has several campuses, the closest of which to Grand Prairie is the North Lake Campus. Students may choose from two degree programs:
Commercial HVAC/R technology degree: 60 credit hours, $4,740
Residential HVAC/R degree: 60 credit hours, $4,740
The curriculum for the commercial HVAC/R technology degree includes electricity, air conditioning control principles, refrigeration principles, residential A/C, gas and electric heating, heat pumps, commercial refrigeration or industrial A/C, commercial A/C, A/C troubleshooting, energy management, and advanced controls. They also choose either an HVAC/R technology/technician practicum or HVAC/R technology/technician cooperative education course. The general education requirements include electives from composition, mathematics, humanities/fine arts, communication, and general psychology.
Students enrolled in the residential HVAC/R degree program complete the same curriculum except that the commercial coursework is replaced by A/C installation and startup and residential air conditioning systems design. The general education electives remain the same. The practicum is replaced by their choice of special topics in HVAC/R mechanic and repairer or HVAC/R technology/technician cooperative education coursework.
- Location: Irving, TX
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Estimated tuition: As noted above
- Estimated program length: Two years
Edge Tech Academy
A privately owned institution, Edge Tech Academy offers an HVAC diploma program designed to prepare students for entry-level employment as technicians. Coursework is presented through classroom lectures and hands-on training. The curriculum includes air conditioning, electrical systems and controls, heating and heat pumps, and refrigeration. The National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER) recognizes the program, and students may earn NCCER credentials as part of their studies. They also prepare for EPA 608 certification.
- Location: Arlington, TX
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
- Estimated tuition: $18,040
- Estimated program length: Ten months
Lincoln College of Technology
Lincoln Tech offers an HVAC/R systems technology diploma program and an HVAC/R technology service management degree program. Coursework for both is available during days, afternoons, and evenings. Students learn through classroom lectures followed by hands-on practice in the lab. Students in both programs are prepared to take the EPA certification exam and are qualified to seek employment as HVAC technicians.
The curriculum for the diploma program includes an introduction to climate control, electricity, heating systems, refrigeration systems, air conditioning systems, air conditioning design, energy conservation, commercial refrigeration, commercial HVAC/R systems troubleshooting, advanced electrical, and troubleshooting.
Students seeking a degree complete all the technical coursework required for the diploma. In addition, they complete general education coursework that includes English composition, speech communication, algebra, critical thinking, and environmental science.
Additional skills, including student success, financial literacy, professional development, and career success, are integrated into all coursework.
- Location: Grand Prairie, TX
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
- Estimated tuition: Diploma ($28,030); degree ($31,580)
- Estimated program length: Diploma (one year); degree (18 months)
Tech Zone HVAC School
Tech Zone offers an intensive 100-hour HVAC/R diploma program with classroom lectures followed by hands-on practice in the lab. Classes are available during the daytime, evenings, and Saturdays. Students may attend full-time or part-time. Coursework includes HVAC theory, electricity, motors, brazing, refrigerant, combustion systems, heat pump systems, soft skills, and preparation for the EPA 608 exam. The school provides job-search assistance to graduates. The tuition covers all course-required books, supplies, and tools.
- Location: Irving, TX
- Accreditation: Licensed by the Texas Workforce Commission
- Estimated tuition: $3,350
- Estimated program length: Full-time two-three weeks; part-time five-ten weeks; Saturday ten weeks