Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Fort Worth
Other aspiring HVAC professionals choose to enroll in an accredited degree or certificate program. Accreditation is a process by which an independent agency evaluates the quality of an educational institution’s program. When choosing a school, it is essential to determine if it is accredited and which organization granted accreditation.
Two industry organizations evaluate HVAC programs. HVAC Excellence has awarded accreditation to Laredo College in Laredo, TX; Lincoln College of Technology in Grand Prairie, TX; and Lone Star College-North Harris in Houston, TX. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has accredited Vernon College in Wichita Falls, TX. Vernon College is included in the profiles below because of its accreditation status, although attending would require a two-hour commute for Fort Worth students.
Prospective students conducting an internet search may discover HVAC schools in the area other than the institutions profiled below. Those schools have not been included in the profiles due primarily to the lack of accreditation by any agency or organization.
Lincoln College of Technology
Lincoln Tech offers an HVAC technology diploma and an AAS degree HVAC service management program. Coursework is divided between classroom lectures and hands-on training in a lab, and may be completed in the daytime or evenings. The college currently partners with Hussmann TachX to provide enhanced training.
Classes for the diploma program include an introduction to climate control, electricity, HVAC/R systems, air conditioning design and energy conservation, commercial refrigeration design and controls, energy efficiency, and troubleshooting. Students complete a total of 50 credit hours to earn their diploma.
Enrollees in the degree program complete 85 credit hours that include the above technical coursework and add general education classes such as English composition, speech communication, algebra, critical thinking, and environment science.
- Location: Grand Prairie, TX
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC); HVAC Excellence
- Format: On-campus
- Estimated program length: Diploma 52 weeks: degree 77 weeks
Remington College
Remington College offers an HVAC diploma. The curriculum starts with HVAC/R introductory coursework; then, students progress to the fundamentals of HVAC maintenance, automated controls, motors and motor controls, residential and commercial HVAC systems, commercial refrigeration systems, domestic appliances, heat pumps, hydronics, ducting and airflow, and career development fundamentals and principles.
The coursework is divided equally between classroom lectures and hands-on training in fully-equipped labs. Students complete 59 credit hours to earn their diploma. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level positions as residential, commercial, or industrial HVAC technicians.
- Location: Fort Worth, TX
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Format: On-campus
- Estimated program length: 48 weeks
Tarrant County College
TCC offers the following HVAC/R technology programs:
- Occupational skill award as an HVAC installer (11 credits)
- HVAC residential technician I, level 1 certificate (20 to 23 credits)
- HVAC residential technician II, level 1 certificate (20 to 23 credits)
- HVAC commercial technician, level 2 certificate (51 credits)
- HVAC/R technology, residential, AAS degree (60 credits)
- HVAC/R technology, commercial, AAS degree (60 credits)
The occupational skill award coursework includes technical calculations, principles of refrigeration, and air conditioning installation and startup. The residential technician I certificate program includes the same coursework, with the addition of basic and advanced electricity, and residential air conditioning. The residential technician II program includes air conditioning controls, gas and electric heating, heat pumps, residential systems design, and troubleshooting. The commercial technician level 2 program builds on the coursework of the previous programs with the addition of HVAC duct fabrication, commercial systems design, advanced controls, and commercial air conditioning.
Students complete a capstone course on their choice of commercial refrigeration, industrial air conditioning, or heat pumps to earn their certificate. Degree-seeking students complete all the coursework of the earlier programs with the addition of general education courses in business and professional communication, public speaking, federal or state government, and composition, among other electives. Their capstone course is air conditioning troubleshooting.
- Location: Fort Worth, TX
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)
- Format: On-campus
- Estimated program length: One to two years for the certificates; two years for the degree
Vernon College
Vernon College offers a PAHRA-accredited occupational skills award program, an HVAC level 1 certificate program, an HVAC advanced certificate, and an HVAC associate in applied science (AAS) degree. Students learn through a combination of classroom lectures and hands-on training in the lab.
The occupational skills award program includes basic electricity, refrigeration principles, workforce development with critical thinking, and technical calculations. The program requires 12 credit hours to complete.
The curriculum for the level 1 certificate program includes the occupational skills coursework and adds air conditioning controls, residential air conditioning, and gas and electric heating for a total of 24 credit hours. The advanced certificate coursework includes preparation for EPA certification, choice of troubleshooting or a practicum, installation and startup, residential AC systems design, and commercial air conditioning. The program takes 18 credit hours to complete.
The degree program includes the above coursework with the addition of required general education courses in composition, the federal government, mathematics, and public speaking, among others. Students also select three electives for a total of 60 credit-hours to earn their degree.
- Location: Wichita Falls, TX
- Accreditation: SACSCOC; PAHRA
- Format: On-campus
- Estimated program length: Certificates vary; degree two years