Accredited HVAC Schools in El Paso, TX
Students who do not complete an apprenticeship may choose formal training through an accredited training program. Accreditation involves an evaluation of the quality of an educational institution’s program by an independent agency. The evaluation includes both the curriculum and the instructors, and when choosing a school, it is essential to determine if it is accredited and which organization granted accreditation.
HVAC programs are evaluated and accredited by two main industry organizations: HVAC Excellence, which has awarded accreditation to Laredo College (Laredo, TX) and the Lincoln College of Technology (Grand Prairie, TX). The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has accredited Vernon College (Wichita Falls, TX). These colleges are included in the following profiles due to their accreditation, although attending requires El Paso students to commute.
El Paso Community College
EPCC offers three HVAC programs:
Certificate of completion, residential HVAC technician – This 23-credit-hour program helps students to develop skills in the servicing of AC refrigeration, AC systems and units, and furnaces. Courses in this program include blueprint reading and sketching, basic electricity for HVAC, refrigeration principles, gas and electric heating, and air conditioning control principles. Graduates of this program can take up roles such as residential service technicians, apartment service technicians, and HVAC crew leaders.
Certificate of completion, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) – Made up of 30 credit-hours, this program helps students in learning how to service refrigeration, air conditioning, furnaces, freezers, ice machines, and AC systems/units. Graduates of this program can sit for the 410A certification (with a passing rate of 70 percent or better) and 10-hour OSHA safety certification.
Some of the courses in the curriculum are air conditioning control principles, residential air conditioning, commercial refrigeration, refrigeration principles, and gas and electric heating. Graduates of the program are well-equipped to work as HVAC/R technicians, HVAC service technicians, and HVAC crew leaders.
Associate of applied science (AAS) degree in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) – Students in this 60-credit-hour program learn to service commercial AC, domestic/commercial refrigeration, AC systems/units, furnaces, commercial ice machines, and walk-in freezers. Graduates of this program are qualified to take industry certification exams, such as the EPA Section 608 exam.
Courses include blueprint reading and sketching, refrigeration principles, commercial refrigeration, air conditioning installation and startup, cooperative education-heating, air conditioning and refrigeration technology/technician, and pneumatics and system controllers. On successful completion of the program, graduates can take up roles such as HVAC supervisors/managers, HVAC business owners, HVAC technicians, residential service technicians.
Students in these programs are prepared for working in the heat transfer industry as crew leaders or service technicians. They learn how to service commercial AC, domestic/commercial refrigeration, AC systems/units, furnaces, commercial ice machines, and walk-in freezers.
- Location: El Paso, TX
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Tuition: $125 per credit-hour
- Program length: Certificates (one year each), AAS degree (two years)
Laredo College
Laredo College offers two HVAC/R certificate programs:
The first program is a certificate in basic commercial HVAC/R. The curriculum includes the principles of refrigeration; HVAC/R special topics, basic electricity, refrigerators, window air conditioners, freezers, residential air conditioning, HVAC troubleshooting; gas and electric heating, and HVAC installation and setup. A minimum of 32 credit-hours is necessary to earn the certificate. Graduates are qualified for entry-level positions as residential HVAC technicians.
The second is a certificate in commercial HVAC/R. Students must complete the coursework for the first certificate. Their additional curriculum includes classes in heat pumps, advanced electricity, residential HVAC systems design, commercial HVAC/R, and a cooperative education capstone. They complete a total of 51 hours to earn their certificate. Graduates are qualified to seek employment as residential or commercial HVAC/R technicians.
- Location: Laredo, TX
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Tuition: In-district ($210 per credit-hour); out-of-district ($260 per credit-hour)
- Program length: 32-credit-hour certificate (one year); 51-credit-hour certificate (two years)
Lincoln College of Technology
Lincoln Tech offers HVAC technology diploma day and evening programs. In this 44.5 credit-hour program, students complete the following coursework, divided between classroom lectures and hands-on training in a lab: an introduction to climate control, electricity, HVAC/R systems, air conditioning design and layout, commercial refrigeration design and controls, warm air heating, energy efficiency, and green technology systems.
This program is taught by faculty experienced in the field, and it’s goal is to nurture highly skilled HVAC technicians. The curriculum teaches students to install, maintain and repair temperature control equipment, so they are ready to join the workforce upon graduation.
Graduates of this program will be ready to sit for EPA certification testing and will be qualified for employment in entry-level positions. Students will also learn to work with commercial refrigeration control systems, repair and replace compressors, handle refrigerant piping, and plot air conditioners with psychrometric charts.
- Location: Grand Prairie, TX
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges; HVAC Excellence
- Tuition: $24,943
- Program length: 47 weeks
Vernon College
Vernon College offers an HVAC occupational skills award program, an HVAC level I certificate program, and an HVAC AAS degree program. Students learn through a combination of classroom lectures and hands-on training in the lab.
The HVAC occupational skills award program includes classes such as basic electricity, the principles of air conditioning controls, and the principles of refrigeration. The program comprises 12 credit-hours in all.
The curriculum for the certificate program starts with the same coursework as the award program, then adds the following:
- Residential and commercial air conditioning
- Gas and electric heating
- Advanced air conditioning controls
- Air conditioning troubleshooting
- Heat pumps
Students finish with an HVAC technology/technician practicum, for a total of 36 credit-hours.
The associate in applied science degree program includes the above coursework and a practicum, with the addition of required general education courses in composition, federal government, mathematics, and public speaking, among others. Students also select three electives, for a total of 60 credit-hours to earn their degree.
- Location: Wichita Falls, TX
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges; PAHRA
- Tuition: Wilbarger County resident ($180 per credit-hour); non-resident ($225 per credit-hour)
- Program length: Certificate (32 weeks), AAS degree (two years)
Western Technical College
Western Tech, a family-owned college, focuses on career development. They offer an associate of occupational studies in HVAC/R technology. The program helps students develop skills in diagnosing, repairing and performing preventive maintenance on complex commercial and residential heating, air conditioning and refrigeration systems. The program is taught by experienced faculty with a combined experience of over 160 years in the field.
Graduates of the program are prepared to earn the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations Registered Technician License. Training in this program also includes testing for the three different industry certifications such as: R-410 Safety Certification, EPA 608 Certification, and HVAC Excellence Employment Ready Electrical Certification.
The program opens up several opportunities for graduates. They can take up roles such as air conditioning technician, HVAC controls technician, sheet metal worker, refrigeration technician, HVAC system installer, and building maintenance technician.
Coursework comprises 40 percent classroom lectures and 60 percent hands-on-training in a fully-equipped lab. The curriculum of this 60-credit-hour program includes courses in electricity, heating systems, residential and commercial HVAC, and commercial refrigeration.
- Location: El Paso, TX
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
- Tuition: $29,640
- Program length: 74 weeks
El Paso students who are unable to complete an on-campus program may choose online HVAC training. For more information on available online programs, visit the online HVAC training page on this site.