Occupational Demand for HVAC Techs in Arlington, TX
According to the BLS (2019), the demand for HVAC and HVAC/R technicians is increasing. They expect a 13 percent increase in job openings nationwide between 2018 and 2028. That is much faster than the 5 percent average projected for all occupations in the US. Texas is surpassing the national expectations. Projections Central predicts a 23.5 percent increase in the demand for technicians in Texas, or 6,190 new positions, between 2016 and 2026.
Growth in the HVAC and HVAC/R industry is due primarily to new construction. Prosperous cities such as Arlington attract new businesses, which brings in new residents. Homes and commercial structures are needed to accommodate them. The new buildings all need climate-control systems and equipment. When existing structures are remodeled or renovated, HVAC systems often need to be replaced, retrofitted, or upgraded to meet contemporary standards for energy efficiency and pollution reduction. The increasing reliance on technology makes specialized equipment and systems necessary, especially in the newer “smart” buildings.
The complexity of climate-control equipment and systems requires trained technicians to install, service, and maintain. Technicians who are proficient troubleshooters, skilled in using computers, and understand electronics generally have the best job opportunities. Those who specialize in new installations may experience seasonal unemployment if construction declines, although that is unlikely to happen in Arlington any time soon. As noted above, the economy is growing, requiring remodeling and new construction. Homeowners and business establishments need to keep their equipment in good working order regardless of the economy, so technicians specializing in maintenance and repair work can expect year-round employment.