Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Amarillo, TX
Students choosing to attend a school should select an accredited institution. Accreditation means that the quality of the program, including the curriculum and the instructors, has been evaluated by an independent agency. HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) accredit HVAC programs.
HVAC Excellence has accredited Laredo College, Laredo, and Lincoln College of Technology, Grand Prairie. PAHRA has accredited Vernon College, Wichita Falls. Although attending Vernon College would require a lengthy commute or relocation for Amarillo students, it is included in the profiles below due to its accreditation. Other reputable agencies have accredited the remaining schools.
Amarillo College
Amarillo College offers two HVAC/R certificates and an HVAC/R degree as part of their industrial technology department.
Students may earn a certificate as an HVAC/R helper. Their curriculum includes electrical theory, distribution systems, industrial maintenance, electrical testing and maintenance, basic mechanical skills for energy, motor controls, programmable logic controls, layout and fabrication, refrigeration principles, gas and electric heating, and air conditioning and startup. They complete 33 credit hours of coursework.
Students enrolling in the HVAC/R technician certificate program complete the same curriculum as the helper program, with the addition of air conditioning troubleshooting, commercial refrigeration, and machinery installation. They earn their certificate at the completion of 45 credits.
Degree-seeking students complete all the coursework in the certificate programs. They also complete general education coursework that includes communication, social/behavioral science, mathematics, language, philosophy, culture/creative arts, and institutional requirement/speech. Their degree is awarded at the completion of 60 credit hours.
- Location: Amarillo, TX
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Tuition: $112.50 per credit
- Program length: Certificates vary, degree two years
Clarendon College
Clarendon offers an HVAC technician certificate and an HVAC degree as part of the Industrial Maintenance program. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level employment.
The curriculum for the certificate program includes industrial maintenance, machine shop mathematics, electrical theory, welding metallurgy, welding, blueprint reading, safety and health, electric motors, distribution systems, motor controls, refrigeration principles, residential AC, gas and electrical heating, air conditioning troubleshooting, and air conditioning installation and startup. They receive their certificate at the completion of 45 credits.
Students enrolled in the degree program complete all the above curriculum, and add general education coursework that includes composition, speech, social and behavioral science, and technical writing, for a total of 60 credits to earn their degree.
The HVAC programs are available only at the Pampa and Shamrock campuses. They are not currently available at the Amarillo campus.
- Location: Pampa, TX; Shamrock, TX
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Tuition: $120 per credit
- Program length: Certificate 18 months, degree two years
Vernon College
Vernon College offers an HVAC level I certificate program, an HVAC advanced certificate, and an HVAC degree program. Students learn through a combination of classroom lectures and hands-on training in the lab.
The Level I certificate program curriculum includes workforce development, electricity, A/C control principles, refrigeration, residential air conditioning, gas and electrical heating, and technical calculations. Students are awarded their certificate at the completion of 24 credits.
Students in the HVAC advanced certificate continue with curriculum that includes EPA certification preparation, air conditioning troubleshooting or a practicum in HVAC/R, residential air conditioning systems design, air conditioning installation and startup, and commercial air conditioning. Their coursework takes 18 credits to complete.
Degree-seeking students complete all the coursework in the certificate programs and add general education courses in composition, federal government, mathematics, public speaking, business principles, and an elective from language, philosophy, culture, or creative arts. They earn their degree at the completion of 60 credit hours.
- Location: Wichita Falls, TX
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges; PAHRA
- Tuition: $110 per credit for Willbarger County residents; $150 per credit hour for other Texas residents
- Program length: Certificate 32 weeks; degree two years
Aspiring Amarillo technicians who cannot attend one of the above schools may find that online institutions can better meet their needs. More information on accredited programs is available at online HVAC training.