Alternatively, workers may choose to complete an accredited training program. Accreditation involves an evaluation of the quality of an educational institution’s program by an independent agency. The evaluation includes both the curriculum and the instructors and when choosing a school, it is essential to determine if it is accredited and which organization granted accreditation.
Two organizations are responsible for evaluating and accrediting HVAC programs. HVAC Excellence has accredited several campuses of Tennessee College of Applied Technology, including the Nashville campus. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has not currently accredited a school in Tennessee.
Please note that all of the following schools are regionally accredited.
Remington College
Remington College offers an HVAC diploma program. Coursework and lab practice gives students training in residential, commercial, and industrial HVAC systems. This diploma program provides students with in-depth training in HVAC systems demonstrating the hands-on skills necessary for successfully maintaining and troubleshooting today’s complex HVAC/R systems.
Comprising 59 credit-hours, the curriculum includes instruction in career development fundamentals and principles, introduction to HVAC and refrigeration, fundamental HVAC maintenance, automated controls, motors & motor controls, residential systems, commercial HVAC and HVAC/R systems, and domestic appliances.
Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level jobs as HVAC technicians. The college emphasizes the importance of obtaining EPA 608 certification and prepares students for taking the exam. The cost of the exam is included in the tuition fees.
- Location: Nashville, TN
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Estimated Time to Completion: 12 months
- Estimated Tuition: $16,400
Tennessee College of Applied Technology
TCAT Nashville offers an HVAC/R technician diploma program (1,728 hours) and the following certificate programs:
- HVAC mechanic assistant (432 hours)
- Domestic unit repair (864 hours)
- HVAC technician (1,296 hours)
Students learn how to troubleshoot, repair, and maintain residential and commercial equipment and systems.
The curriculum includes instruction in basic HVAC/R, soldering and brazing, heat load calculations, and duct sizing, as well as training in electrical devices, compressors, system evacuation, and schematic wiring diagrams.
Students wear uniforms consisting of light blue industrial work shirts and navy work pants. They learn about the basics of troubleshooting, repairing, and maintaining commercial and residential HVAC/R systems, heat pumps, electrical & gas heating, and humidifiers. Students also learn about the fundamentals of electric motors, controls, and electricity.
- Location: Nashville, TN
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Council on Occupational Education
- Estimated Time to Completion: Certificate (varies); diploma (16 months)
- Estimated Tuition: Certificate (varies); diploma ($6,449); Textbooks/supplies ($1,201)
Tennessee College of Applied Technology
TCAT Murfreesboro offers HVAC certificate programs in assistant installer and maintenance assistance, an HVAC technical studies diploma program, and an HVAC variable refrigerant flow diploma program. The HVAC programs here provide students with the highest quality of technical training and advanced job skills necessary for becoming successful in today’s HVAC industry. Instruction includes classroom lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on experience training students for the standard equipment as well as more advanced HVAC comfort cooling systems.
Coursework includes refrigerants, the fundamentals of electricity, gas heating, HVAC electrical motors, HVAC troubleshooting, electrical components, and heat pumps.
The programs are self-paced, and graduates are qualified to seek entry-level employment.
- Location: Murfreesboro, TN
- Accreditation: Council on Occupational Education
- Estimated Time to Completion: Certificate (varies); diploma (12 months)
- Estimated Tuition: Certificate (varies); diploma ($4,051); Textbooks/supplies ($2,190)
Nashville students who are unable to complete an on-campus program may want to consider online HVAC training. For more information on programs available in an online format, visit the online HVAC training page on this site.