Workers who prefer to obtain their training by attending school should select an accredited institution. Accreditation is a process by which a school undergoes an evaluation of its program’s curriculum and instructors by an independent agency.
HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) are the agencies that specifically evaluate HVAC programs. HVAC Excellence has accredited 16 Tennessee College of Applied Technology campuses, including Knoxville. PAHRA has not yet accredited a Tennessee school. The University of Tennessee has institutional accreditation from a reputable agency.
Tennessee College of Applied Technology
TCAT offers the following HVAC/R program divided as follows:
- HVAC Mechanic Assistant Certificate
- Domestic Unit Repair Certificate
- Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Technician Diploma
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Technician Diploma
The program course takes 1,728 hours to complete.
Students may complete the program during the day or the evenings. The coursework and cost are the same for both options. All students are expected to maintain a work-like and neat appearance. Appropriate attire is required at all times.
The curriculum includes worker characteristics (work ethics), technology foundations, OSHA and shop safety, tools, equipment, and shop practices, refrigeration fundamentals, electricity and controls, installation, green awareness, introduction to system service, basic automatic controls, motors, EPA, gas, electric heat, air conditioning, heat pumps, carbon monoxide, all-weather systems, and commercial refrigeration. Students take employment-ready exams throughout the coursework.
Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level positions as technicians and are qualified to sit for numerous industry exams and certifications that increase their employability.
- Location: Knoxville, TN
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Commission of the Council on Occupational Education
- Estimated Tuition: $5,273.00; books and supplies $2,640.00
- Estimated Program Length: 16 weeks
University of Tennessee
UT offers an HVAC/R program that prepares students for “work ready” certificates, such as the HVAC Excellence “Employment Ready” Certificate and the NATE “Ready to Work” Certificate. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level employment, or they may choose to obtain additional training as an apprentice. Coursework is completed online.
The curriculum includes safety, tools and equipment, shop practices, automatic controls, electric motors, commercial refrigeration, air conditioning, all-weather systems, domestic appliances, commercial air conditioning, and chilled water systems. The coursework also includes virtual simulations of troubleshooting and electricity.
- Location: Knoxville, TN
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Estimated Tuition: $2,895
- Estimated Program Length: Self-paced
Aspiring Knoxville technicians who cannot attend one of the above schools may find that an online institution will meet their needs. More information on accredited programs is available at online HVAC training.