Accredited HVAC Schools in Sioux Falls, SD
It’s essential that individuals choosing to attend a school select an institution that has been accredited. Accreditation means that an independent agency has evaluated the curriculum and instructors of the institution. HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) are responsible for accrediting HVAC programs. To date, PAHRA has not accredited a South Dakota school.
HVAC Excellence has awarded accreditation to Mitchell Technical Institute, Mitchell, and Southeast Technical College, Sioux Falls. The remaining school in the profiles below has received accreditation from another agency.
Note: The information in this article was compiled in January 2021 during the “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” restrictions. The profiled schools have temporarily suspended classes or are transitioning to online options to comply with the restrictions. Questions as to timing and format should be directed to the school administration.
Mitchell Technical Institute
Mitchell offers both a diploma and a degree in heating and cooling technology. The program instructors are NATE (North American Technician Excellence) certified. Students in both programs learn through classroom lectures combined with hands-on practice in the lab.
The diploma program curriculum includes the fundamentals of electricity and HVAC/R, heating and refrigeration theory, sheet metal, heat pumps, controls, OSHA 10, student success, and a math elective. The degree program continues with an internship, planning/estimating, solar heating theory, schematics, commercial air conditioning and refrigeration, DDC temperature controls, introduction to computers, and electives in social science and behavioral science.
Students in the diploma program complete 34 credits to graduate, and those in the degree program complete 75 credits. Graduates are qualified to seek employment as HVAC, service, and environmental technicians.
- Location: Mitchell, SD
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $217 per credit-hour
- Program Length: Diploma one year; degree two years
Southeast Technical College
The college offers an HVAC/R Technology degree program. Coursework is presented in classroom lectures followed by hands-on practice in the lab. Students complete 64 credits to earn their degree. The technical curriculum includes basic electricity, basic heating and refrigeration, troubleshooting HVAC, air conditioning installation, service and repair procedures, design and installation, special equipment, heat reclaim and outdoor equipment, split and unitized equipment, high-pressure chillers, troubleshooting and maintenance, and heat pumps.
The non-technical coursework encompasses student success, college math, computers, English communications, speech, and social science. Graduates are qualified to seek employment as HVAC/R technicians.
- Location: Sioux Falls, SD
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $249 per credit-hour
- Program Length: Two years
Western Dakota Technical Institute
The school offers an HVAC/R Technology degree program. Students learn via classroom lectures and hands-on practice in a lab. They may also complete an optional internship. The technical coursework includes electricity, HVAC installation, electrical applications, HVAC/R, refrigeration, and specialized HVAC/R equipment. General education requirements include microcomputer software applications, macroeconomics, composition or workplace communication, algebra, technical math, and general psychology or human relations.
Students complete 61 to 64 credits to earn their degree. Graduates are qualified to seek employment as residential HVAC technicians and commercial HVAC/R technicians.
- Location: Rapid City, SD
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $283 per credit-hour on-campus; $333 per credit-hour online
- Program Length: 18 months
Workers in Sioux Falls who cannot attend an on-campus school may find that online institutions can better meet their needs. More information on accredited programs is available at online HVAC training.