Accredited HVAC Schools in Oklahoma City, OK
Several independent organizations evaluate the curriculum and instructors of HVAC schools. The process of evaluation is known as accreditation and students should ensure that schools they choose for training are accredited. Two industry organizations evaluate HVAC and HVAC/R programs: HVAC Excellence has accredited Red River Technology Center, in Duncan, OK (profiled below because of accreditation) and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has awarded accreditation to the following Oklahoma schools:
- Autry Technology Center, Enid, OK
- Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center, Choctaw, OK
- Indian Capital Technology Center Muskogee, Muskogee, OK 74403
- Indian Capital Technology Center Sallisaw, Sallisaw, OK
- Indian Capital Technology Center-Tahlequah, Tahlequah, OK
- Meridian Technology Center, Stillwater, OK
- Moore Norman Technology Center, Norman, OK
- Southern Oklahoma Technology Center, Ardmore, OK
- Tulsa Technology Center, Tulsa, OK
Three of these schools are profiled below for their proximity to OKC.
Eastern Oklahoma County Technology Center
This Center offers two HVAC programs: residential HVAC installer and residential HVAC technician. Coursework is presented through classroom lectures and hands-on training in the lab. The residential HVAC installer program comprises 500 clock hours while the HVAC technician program requires 1,000 clock hours.
The curriculum for both programs includes introductory safety practices, tools, and equipment; the principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer; piping; electricity; controls; refrigerant system components; air conditioning systems; refrigerants and lubricants; heat pumps; heating systems; air handling; troubleshooting; indoor air quality; preventive maintenance; codes, regulations, and standards; system installation and startup; professional service; and workforce staging.
Students in the HVAC installer program will be instructed on advanced skills such as ducts, fittings, lining out pipes, and blowers and will be prepared to start an HVAC/R and residential HVAC equipment. The HVAC technician program instructs students on the proper handling of pressurized fluids and handling hazardous substances.
- Location: Choctaw, OK
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Oklahoma State Board of Career and Technology Education (ODCTE)
- Expected Time to Completion: Less than 12 months
- Estimated Tuition: HVAC installer ($1,125); residential HVAC technician ($2,250)
Metro Technology Centers
The Center offers an HVAC residential technician program and an HVAC/R technician program. Students may choose to complete the coursework for either program in the evening or attend daytime classes. The curriculum for both programs is the same as that taught at the Eastern Oklahoma County school profiled above.
The HVAC technician program comprises 1,050 hours, while the HVAC residential technician program consists of 525 hours. Some of the topics students will delve into include principles of thermodynamics & heat transfer, piping & piping practices, refrigerants & lubricants, refrigerant recovery, refrigerant retrofits, refrigerant system components, load calculations, and indoor air quality.
Graduates of these programs may apply to take the Oklahoma Mechanical Journeyman HVAC test. They will learn about installing, troubleshooting, adjusting, and repairing residential and some light commercial HVAC systems. The program also includes specialized training for EPA certification in refrigerants.
- Location: Oklahoma City, OK
- Accreditation: Oklahoma State Board of Career and Technology
Education (ODCTE)
- Expected Time to Completion: Residential (11 months); HVAC/R (13 months)
- Estimated Tuition: HVAC technician (in-state – $2,625; out-of-state – $6,825); residential HVAC installer (in-state – $1,312.50; out-of-state – $3,412.50)
Mid-Del Technology Center
The school offers a residential HVAC technician program and is designed to prepare students for job-ready employment as entry-level HVAC technicians. Students will learn about handling pressurized fluids, handling hazardous substances, equipment used for testing and servicing air conditioning systems, and hand and power tools. They will also learn about basic duct design and the layout involved with duct installation.
The curriculum includes introductory safety, tools, and equipment; thermodynamics and heat transfer; piping; refrigerants and lubricants; air handling; system installation and startup; indoor air quality; preventive maintenance; codes, regulations, and standards; professional service; load calculations; and workforce staging.
Students complete a total of 900 hours divided between classroom lectures and hands-on training in a lab.
- Location: Midwest City, OK
- Accreditation: Oklahoma State Board of Career and Technology
Education (ODCTE)
- Expected Time to Completion: Ten months
- Estimated Tuition: $2,700
Moore Norman Technology Center
Moore Norman Technology Center HVAC/R program prepares graduates to seek employment as residential and light commercial HVAC/R technicians. This program is ideal for adults as well as high school juniors and seniors. Students will be prepared for EPA 608 certification, I.C.E. certification, an Oklahoma State Apprentice license, and OSHA 10 General Safety certification.
Consisting of 1,050 contact hours, the curriculum includes coursework in an introduction to HVAC/R, refrigeration systems, electrical theory, air conditioning systems, employability skills, and heating systems. Students may attend classes during the day or evenings or a combination.
Graduates can take up roles such as residential HVAC installers, residential HVAC/R repair technicians, and residential HVAC service technicians.
- Location: Norman, OK
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Oklahoma State Board of Career and Technology
Education (ODCTE)
- Expected Time to Completion: Full-time (12 months); part-time (24 months)
- Estimated Tuition: In-district ($3,996); out-of-district ($4,521)
Meridian Technology Center
Meridian Technology Center offers a residential HVAC installer program and a residential HVAC technician program. These career training programs will help students learn about diagnosing, servicing, and repairing a wide range of HVAC/R equipment for residential settings. Students will also be introduced to energy-saving technologies that can save the environment.
The installer program consists of 615 clock hours and the technician program requires completion of 1,050 hours. The curriculum includes courses such as piping and piping practices, electricity for HVAC/R, HVAC/R controls, load calculations, refrigerant system components, refrigerants and lubricants, and heat pumps.
Graduates can take up roles such as HVAC service technicians, manufacturing technicians, entrepreneurs, and HVAC/R sales executives.
- Location: Stillwater, OK
- Accreditation: PAHRA
- Expected Time to Completion: Residential HVAC installer (12 months); Residential HVAC technician (24 months)
- Estimated Tuition: Residential HVAC installer ($1,845); residential HVAC technician ($3,150)
Red River Technology Center
Red River Technology Center’s residential HVAC/R program provides students with the opportunity to gain the required knowledge and skills needed for becoming successful. They learn to repair, troubleshoot, and maintain HVAC/R equipment making life more comfortable.
The curriculum includes topics such as electrical & gas heating systems, safety, installation, brazing, light commercial refrigeration, basic compression refrigeration, electrical systems, and air conditioning & heat pumps.
Graduates will be qualified to take up roles such as air conditioning contractors, parts salesmen, refrigeration technicians, HVAC technicians, maintenance technicians, and service managers, among many such roles.
- Location: Duncan, OK
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence
- Expected Time to Completion: Less than a year
- Estimated Tuition: In-district (part-time – $1,312.50; full-time – $2,625); out-of-district (part-time – $2,625; full-time – $5,250)
Oklahoma City students whose schedules don’t allow for a face-to-face training program may find that an online institution would better meet their needs. More information on accredited programs is available online HVAC training here.