Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Toledo, Ohio
Students choosing to attend school should ensure that they select an institution that has been accredited. Accreditation means that an independent agency has evaluated the curriculum and instructors of the institution for quality. HVAC programs are accredited by HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA).
As of March 2022, HVAC Excellence has not accredited an Ohio school, but PAHRA has accredited the following schools:
- Cuyahoga Valley Career, Brecksville, OH
- Miami Valley Career Center, Clayton, OH
- North High School, Akron, OH
- RETS College, Centerville, OH
- Great Oaks Institute of Technology, Cincinnati, OH
- RG Drage Career Center, Massillon, OH
- University of Northwestern Ohio, Lima, OH
- Pike County Career Tech Center, Piketon, OH
Although attending the University of Northwestern Ohio entails a commute for Toledo students, it is included in the profiles below due to its accreditation. Other reputable agencies have accredited the remaining schools.
Note: The information in this article was compiled in March 2022, when pandemic restrictions were in a state of flux. The profiled schools may have temporarily suspended classes or are offering online options. Direct questions about timing and format to the school administration.
Northwest State Community College
Northwestern State Community College offers an HVAC/R certificate designed to teach students the technology required by modern climate control equipment. Coursework includes industrial safety, industrial electricity I and II, energy audits, electrical prints and troubleshooting, industrial pipefitting, motors and motor controls, HVAC/R I, II, and III, and a communications elective. Students receive their certificate at the completion of 32 credits.
- Location: Archbold, OH
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: $177.33 per credit
- Program Length: Eight months
Owens Community College
Owens offers an HVAC certificate program that includes classroom lectures and hands-on training in their lab. The coursework includes applied industrial mathematics, electrical prints, maintenance electricity, HVAC/R electricity, refrigeration, gas heating, HVAC design and application, sheet metal fabric/layout, HVAC/R service application, HVAC/R system troubleshooting, and building print reading. Students also select two electives from light commercial refrigeration, chiller operations, HVAC/R control systems, or building energy management.
Students are awarded a certificate at the completion of 31 to 32 credits. They may apply their credits toward an associate degree in building maintenance.
- Location: Perrysburg, OH
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: $162.50 per credit
- Program Length: One year
Penta County Joint Vocational School
Penta County includes an HVAC/R mechanic and repair course in their adult education section. The curriculum encompasses instruction in sheet metal, gas and electric furnaces, gas boilers, and geothermal applications.
The non-technical curriculum includes forklift training, CPR, and resume writing. Students will also prepare for and take the EPA 608 exam. Students who complete the coursework are qualified to seek entry-level positions. They may also apply a portion of their credits to specific apprenticeship programs.
- Location: Perrysburg, OH
- Accreditation: Ohio Board of Regents; Council on Occupational Education (COE)
- Tuition: $6,120
- Program Length: Nine months
Stautzenberger College
Stautzenberger College is a for-profit, private educational institution. It offers an HVAC/R diploma program. Students learn installation, maintenance, and repair of HVAC systems through technical coursework that includes an introduction to cooling and heating systems, HVAC essential service task and piping, the fundamentals of welding and heat pumps, refrigerant, wiring, air delivery systems, steam and commercial hydronic systems, troubleshooting controls and motors, troubleshooting HVAC, building management, and system design.
As well as classroom lectures, students also complete out-of-class assignments that include problem-solving, projects, and research, among others. They also complete coursework in success strategies, for a total of 64 credits.
Students are prepared to take the EPA exam and are qualified to accept entry-level positions. They have the option of applying a portion of their credits to specific apprenticeship programs. Alternatively, they may continue in the construction management associate degree program.
- Location: Maumee Campus Satellite Location, Toledo, OH
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Tuition: $24,150
- Program Length: 10 months
Terra State Community College
Terra State offers two HVAC/R programs: certificate and associate degree. The certificate requires 42 credits to complete. Students in the certificate program may choose to attend during the day in the “Fast Track” program or the traditional evening program. The degree program emphasizes environmentally friendly refrigerants, new controls, and high-efficiency equipment to prepare students for “green” positions.
The curriculum for the certificate program includes electrical codes and prints, safety, refrigeration, electricity, refrigeration, system sizing, heating systems, air conditioning systems, HVAC electronics, and troubleshooting capstone. Graduates are qualified for entry-level positions.
Students choosing to earn an HVAC/R associate degree complete the same technical coursework as those in the certificate program. They choose one additional course from ecology and the environment, environment and sustainability, or survey of physics.
Additionally, students complete general education courses that include digital literacy, English composition, technical writing, effective speaking, humanities elective, social science elective, and mathematics. They receive their degree at the completion of 64 credits.
- Location: Fremont, OH
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: $185.00 per credit
- Program Length: Certificate varies; degree two years
University of Northwestern Ohio
The University of Northwestern Ohio is a private, not-for-profit educational institution. Students may obtain a diploma or an associate degree in HVAC/R Technology. Both programs prepare graduates for entry-level positions as HVAC technicians. Students in the degree program also acquire HVAC managerial skills.
The diploma program technical curriculum includes service and procedures I and II, electrical and electronics, HVAC/R systems and controls, heat pump systems and controls, special topics and applications of refrigeration and temperature controls, and capstone.
Students also complete general education coursework that includes digital documents and spreadsheets, human communication, and technical math, and among others. Taking the commercial driver’s license I and II courses is recommended. Students receive their diplomas at the completion of 61 credits.
Degree-seeking students complete the same technical and basic general education coursework as those in the diploma program. They also complete general education coursework that includes composition I and II, the American political scene, psychology, earth science, diversity issues, and customer relations automated management. They are awarded their degree at the completion of 88 credits.
- Location: Lima, OH
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP); Higher Learning Council (HLC)
- Tuition: $230.00 per credit
- Program Length: Diploma 16 months; degree 20 months