Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Akron, Ohio
Aspiring apprentices who are seeking formal schooling should select an institution that has been accredited. Accreditation means that an independent agency has evaluated the curriculum and instructors of the institution for quality. HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) accredit HVAC programs. HVAC Excellence awarded accreditation to the University of Northwestern Ohio, Lima, OH. PAHRA has accredited the following schools:
- Cuyahoga Valley Career, Brecksville, OH
- Miami Valley Career Center, Clayton, OH
- North High School, Akron, OH
- RETS College, Centerville, OH
- Great Oaks Institute of Technology, Cincinnati, OH
- RG Drage Career Center, Massillon, OH
- University of Northwestern Ohio, Lima, OH
- Pike County Career Tech Center, Piketon, OH
Although attending the University of Northwestern Ohio entails a commute for Akron students, it is included in the profiles below due to its accreditation by both industry agencies. Other reputable agencies have accredited the remaining schools.
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center
CVCC offers an HVAC program for adults. The coursework is divided between classroom learning and hands-on practice in the lab. Graduates are qualified to seek employment as installation, troubleshooting, and service technicians.
The program consists of four sections: HVAC basics, heating, cooling, and electrical. The coursework also includes preparation for industry exams, including Section 608 and NATE (North American Technician Excellence) Heating and Cooling Support Technician Certificate. The exam fees are included in the tuition. Job search assistance is available to graduates.
- Location: Brecksville, OH
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Council on Occupational Education
- Estimated Tuition: $3,512
- Estimated Program Length: 200 hours
FORTIS College
FORTIS College has several campuses in Ohio, with the Cuyahoga Falls facility maintaining a satellite location in Akron. The HVAC/R diploma program includes classroom theory and hands-on lab practice. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level employment. The college provides career placement assistance to graduates.
The curriculum includes thermodynamics, electricity, controls, motors and motor controls, refrigerants, residential A/C, commercial A/C, commercial refrigeration, industrial refrigeration, electric heat and heat pumps, gas heating systems, oil heating systems, HVAC system performance, water-based heating systems, HVAC troubleshooting and service calls, and EPA certification preparation. Students are required to take and pass the EPA exam prior to graduating.
- Location: Akron, OH
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
- Estimated Tuition: $19,399
- Estimated Program Length: 48 weeks
Stark State College
Stark offers students an HVAC/R technology certificate program and an HVAC/R technology degree program. Both programs prepare graduates for employment as HVAC/R technicians. Students must consult with their academic advisor before registering for classes, as some are prerequisites, and others must be taken in the prescribed order.
The curriculum for the certificate program includes student success seminar, basic machines, HVAC principles I and II, sheet metal layout and fabrication, HVAC system operation and troubleshooting – cooling, HVAC system operation and troubleshooting – heating, HVAC field installation techniques and procedures, HVAC electrical systems and applications, pipefitting principles and applications, building materials and construction methods, OSHA 30-hour general industry, and blueprint reading. Students are awarded their certificate after 31 to 32 credits.
Students enrolled in the degree program complete all the certificate coursework. They also complete an additional technical curriculum that includes hydronic application and design, refrigeration, HVAC commercial controls, chiller operations, and basic AutoCAD. They must also complete general education requirements that include computer applications for professionals, physics, industrial math or algebra, composition, technical report writing, effective speaking or small group communication, and an elective from social and behavioral sciences or arts and humanities. They receive their degree after 64 to 65 credits.
- Location: North Canton, OH
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Estimated Tuition: $194.60 per credit
- Estimated Program Length: Certificate one year; degree two years
University of Northwestern Ohio
UNOH is a private, not-for-profit educational institution. Students may obtain a diploma as an HVAC/R technician or an associate degree in HVAC/R technology. Both programs feature hands-on training using the latest equipment technology. There is also an opportunity for students to work with the local Habitat for Humanity installing HVAC systems. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level employment as technicians.
The diploma program technical curriculum includes service and procedures I and II, electrical and electronics, HVAC/R systems and controls, heat pump systems and controls, special topics and applications of refrigeration and temperature controls, and capstone. Students also complete general education coursework that includes digital documents and spreadsheets, human communication, technical math, and CoAT first-year experience. Taking the commercial driver’s license I and II courses are recommended. Students receive their diplomas after 61 credits.
Students seeking a degree complete the same technical and basic general education coursework as those in the diploma program. They also complete general education coursework, including composition I and II, the American political scene, psychology, earth science, diversity issues, and automated customer relations management. They are awarded their degree after 88 credit-hours.
- Location: Lima, OH
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; PAHRA; Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs; Higher Learning Council
- Estimated Tuition: $260 per credit
- Estimated Program Length: Diploma 14 months; degree 18 months
Akron students who are unable to attend any of the above schools may find that an online institution will better meet their needs. More information on accredited programs is available at online HVAC training.