Accredited HVAC Schools In New York City (NYC)
Aspiring students in this field are encouraged to check the accreditation status of their HVAC programs in NYC.
Although getting a career diploma, certificate, or degree from an accredited program may not be a prerequisite to employment, it can be important for several reasons. First, accreditation agencies such as the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) and HVAC Excellence have established standards for curricula, quality of instruction, school finances, student outcomes, and other measures of HVAC program efficacy. Second, some employers may prefer graduates of established HVAC training programs in NYC, and it can even enhance one’s earning potential and networking.
To learn more about accreditation, please check out the main HVAC programs page.
WSWHE BOCES / Myers Education Center
Combining hands-on training with classroom lectures, this two-year HVAC-R program at WSWHE BOCES / Myers Education Center in Saratoga Springs trains students to install, maintain, repair, and service HVAC/R systems and equipment in both commercial and residential applications.
The program includes coursework in blueprint reading; piping principles & practices; commercial refrigeration; electric motors; residential wiring; electrical principles; residential plumbing; air conditioning principles & practices; and commercial plumbing, among others. The curriculum also includes the Home Performance ENERGY STAR program and an internship.
Graduates will be prepared to take several certification exams such as the mandatory EPA Section 608 in refrigeration, various HVAC Excellence credentials, and OSHA 10 & 30-hour certificates.
Upon successful completion, students will qualify to work as entry-level electricians, HVAC installers, HVAC technicians, plumbers, commercial technicians, job estimators, and service managers.
- Location: Saratoga Springs, New York
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence
- Expected Time to Completion: Two years
- Estimated Tuition: Contact the center for details
Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning University
The only PAHRA-accredited program in NY state is in Rochester at Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning University. This school has a 3,000-sq-ft. training lab for technicians boasting state-of-the-art equipment, advanced training with all Isaac products, and education in 21 specialized training modules such as industry codes and gas furnaces.
The employee program involves two years of education followed by two additional years of specialty training. Issac also offers a 12-week boot camp program to get new HVAC techs started in the field. Most impressively, Isaac has more than 75 NATE-certified technicians across more than 400 specialties—more than any company in the country.
- Location: Rochester, New York
- Accreditation: PAHRA
- Expected Time to Completion: 12 weeks to four years
- Estimated Tuition: Participants are paid as they complete the program
Luckily for aspiring HVAC technicians in NYC, there are other, high-quality training options within NYC.
APEX Technical School
The APEX Technical School offers an air conditioning, refrigeration, and appliance/controls program to prepare graduates to work in residential and commercial HVAC. The program includes 450 hours of classroom learning and 450 hours of hands-on training, as well as preparation to sit for the EPA section 608 certification exam.
Coursework in this 900-clock-hour program includes major home appliances, domestic refrigeration/air conditioning, commercial refrigeration, basic refrigeration/air conditioning, advanced commercial refrigeration/air conditioning, and commercial air conditioning.
Students will learn the knowledge and skills required to maintain and repair commercial and domestic HVAC/R systems and major home appliances, gas-fired heating systems, and electrical controls. At the end of the program, graduates will be able to evaluate and troubleshoot the performance of air conditioners, appliance equipment, and refrigerators.
- Location: Long Island City, NY
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
- Expected Time to Completion: Seven months
- Estimated Tuition: Contact the school for a customized assessment
Suffolk County Community College
Suffolk County Community College offers an associate of applied science (AAS) and a certificate program in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration. Preparing students to become HVAC/R technicians, this program helps students develop skills and learn about basic refrigeration, fabrication & joining techniques, air conditioning, heating, commercial refrigeration, HVAC/R controls, design of HVAC/R systems, and electrical fundamentals.
The 64 to 66-credit AAS program provides students with a well-rounded education to prepare them for the ever-changing field of HVAC, while the 34-credit certificate may be best suited to those who are already employed, already have an associate degree, or are looking to change careers.
Coursework in the programs includes electricity for HVAC/R; technical writing; HVAC/R control systems; interpersonal communication; HVAC/R commercial system; HVAC/R system design; heating systems; refrigeration & air conditioning systems; and HVAC/R diagnostics and servicing.
- Location: Selden, NY
- Accreditation: Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE)
- Expected Time to Completion: AAS (two years); certificate (one year or less)
- Estimated Tuition: Residents ($2,820 per semester); non-residents ($5,640 per semester)