Accredited HVAC Schools in North Las Vegas, NV
Aspiring technicians should ensure that the school they select for training is accredited. Accreditation is a process of evaluating a school’s curriculum and instructors. The evaluation is conducted periodically by independent agencies.
Two industry organizations evaluate HVAC and HVAC/R programs. HVAC Excellence has accredited the Advanced Training Institute, in Las Vegas and the College of Southern Nevada, in Henderson. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has also accredited the College of Southern Nevada.
Advanced Training Institute
ATI offers an HVAC/R technician diploma program. Students attend classroom lectures and practice what they learn with hands-on training in a modern lab. Their coursework includes the following: the principles of mechanics, electricity, gas-fired heating and heat pump systems, HVAC systems, boiler operations, commercial refrigeration, ice machines, troubleshooting, start-up, and installation.
Students are prepared to take industry certification exams including OSHA, EPA 608, and 410A. The cost of the exams is included in the tuition. Students are also expected to wear uniforms, the cost of which is also included in the fees. Graduates are qualified for entry-level employment as HVAC residential and commercial HVAC/R technicians.
- Location: Las Vegas, NV
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCSC)
- Tuition: $14,855
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: 42 weeks
College of Southern Nevada
CSN offers four HVAC technology certificate programs:
Technical coursework includes the following: HVAC electrical and mechanical theory and application, residential gas heating and heat pumps, the fundamentals of copper, ductwork, controls, boiler and chiller operation and maintenance, commercial refrigeration, reading blueprints and specifications, and workplace safety. Students also complete classes in customer service, core computing competency, and information systems, as well as general education electives. Students may also serve an internship to earn their certificate.
Students choose the technical coursework relevant to the certificate they are seeking. They are not required to take every course. For example, only students seeking the food service certificate take the commercial refrigeration class.
The college also offers four HVAC technology degree programs:
Students who prefer to earn a degree complete the same technical coursework as those in the certificate programs. They also complete additional general education requirements that may include math, composition, human relations, science, humanities, and history, among other electives.
Students in all programs attend classroom lectures and receive hands-on training in the lab. The college is located in Henderson; however, the HVAC programs are taught at the Western Center in Las Vegas, in their new HVAC Center of Excellence facility.
- Location: Henderson, NV
- Accreditation: PAHRA; HVAC Excellence; Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
- Tuition: Lower-division courses $102.75 per credit hour; upper-division courses $168.25 per credit hour
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: Certificates one year each; degrees two years each
Quality Training Centers
The Center offers two programs: an HVAC technology diploma and a refrigeration technology diploma. Students enrolled in the HVAC program can complete their classwork during morning, afternoon, or evening hours. Refrigeration students complete their classwork during morning or evening hours. In addition to attending classroom lectures, students receive hands-on training in a fully-equipped lab.
The HVAC program curriculum includes the fundamentals of refrigeration, electricity and electric heating and cooling, heat pumps and gas heat, brazing, and troubleshooting. The refrigeration technology program coursework includes an introduction to refrigeration and low-temperature refrigeration, walk-in freezers, commercial refrigeration, and ice machines.
- Location: Las Vegas, NV
- Accreditation: Licensed by the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education
- Tuition: HVAC technology, $6,280; refrigeration technology, $2,650
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: HVAC technology diploma, 12 weeks; refrigeration technology, six weeks
North Las Vegas students who are unable to travel or don’t have the time to attend on-campus programs may find that an online institution best meets their needs. More information is available on the online HVAC training programs page.