Accredited HVAC Schools in Nevada
It is becoming increasingly common for aspiring HVAC workers to obtain training in six-month or two-year programs that have received accreditation. They should ensure that the school they select for training is accredited. Accreditation is a process of evaluating the school’s curriculum and instructors to verify that students are receiving the education they expect. The evaluation is conducted periodically by independent agencies.
HVAC and HVAC/R programs are evaluated by two industry organizations. HVAC Excellence has accredited the Advanced Training Institute in Las Vegas and the College of Southern Nevada. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has also accredited the College of Southern Nevada.
College of Southern Nevada
College of Southern Nevada offers four certificates and five AAS degree programs in HVAC/R. Providing advanced training in HVAC/R, these programs emphasize hands-on methods and practical skills preparing students for analyzing, synthesizing, and solving HVAC/R problems. Graduates of these programs are prepared to obtain their EPA 608 certification as well as HVAC Excellence Employment Readiness certification.
The certificate programs are as follows:
- Air Conditioning Technology (40.5 credits)
- Air Conditioning Technology: Central Plant (41 credits)
- Air Conditioning Technology: Critical Systems (40 credits)
- Air Conditioning Technology: Food Service Refrigeration (42.5 credits)
The college also offers the following four AAS degree programs:
- Air Conditioning Technology (60 credits)
- Air Conditioning Technology: Building Automation (60 credits)
- Air Conditioning Technology: Central Plant (60 credits)
- Air Conditioning Technology: Critical Systems (60 credits)
- Air Conditioning Technology: Food Service Refrigeration (61.5 credits)
The curriculum includes courses such as introduction to HVAC electrical theory and application, residential gas heating, commercial refrigeration, copper fundamentals, heat pumps, HVAC automatic controls, boiler operation and maintenance, equipment cooling, industrial electricity, and equipment cooling, among others.
The college also offers an Entry-Level Air Conditioning Technician program which comprises 18.5 credits.
- Location: Las Vegas, NV; Henderson, NV; North Las Vegas, NV
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; PAHRA; Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
- Expected Time to Completion: Certificates (12 months); AAS degrees (24 months)
- Estimated Tuition: Lower-division courses ($109.75 per credit); upper-division courses ($180 per credit)
Career College of Northern Nevada
The HVAC/R service technician diploma offered by the Career College of Northern Nevada combines classroom lectures with hands-on training in labs. Introducing and preparing students for entry-level employment in the HVAC industry, the program helps students in developing essential skills and knowledge required by the industry today.
The program consists of 44.5 credits including courses such as electrical theory and application, foundations of HVAC/R, refrigeration theory and application, HVAC systems, heating systems, skills review and EPA certification, computer fundamentals for the trades, customer relations, technical writing, and airflow and distribution.
Graduates of the program will be able to install, service, and repair light commercial and residential HVAC equipment.
- Location: Sparks, NV
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Expected Time to Completion: Nine months
- Estimated Tuition: $13,081
Advanced Training Institute
ATI (Advanced Training Institute) offers an HVAC/R technologies diploma preparing students for entry-level residential and commercial HVAC/R positions. The program provides students with hands-on training in labs and HVAC/R knowledge in classroom lectures. They learn to repair and troubleshoot residential as well as light commercial systems. They also learn to repair gas heating systems and hydronic and electric heating systems.
This diploma program is made up of 840 clock hours. The curriculum consists of courses such as mechanical principles, applied electricity for HVAC, gas-fired heating systems & boiler operation, air conditioning systems, heat pump systems, commercial refrigeration and ice machines, troubleshooting, start-up, and installation. Graduates are also prepared for industry exams such as 410A, OSHA, and EPA Section 608.
At the end of the program, graduates can pursue opportunities with heating or air conditioning companies, manufacturers, hospitals, schools, mechanical contractors, and hotels. They can take up roles such as facilities manager, maintenance technician, field service technician, and installer.
- Location: Las Vegas, NV
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET)
- Expected Time to Completion: 10.5 months
- Estimated Tuition: $14,700
Truckee Meadows Community College
Truckee Meadows Community College offers several degrees and certificates in the HVAC/R field. These programs provide hands-on training along with classroom instruction preparing students for systematically approaching, analyzing, troubleshooting, and solving HVAC/R problems. They can also earn the EPA section 608 certification. The college offers two AAS degrees in HVAC/R, two certificates of achievement, and four skills certificates.
As part of these programs, students will delve into topics such as electrical and controls for HVAC, refrigeration theory, schematic reading for HVAC/R, heat pumps, basic refrigeration servicing, sheet metal I, chiller operations, and maintenance, HVAC automatic controls, and general industry safety, among others.
- Location: Reno, NV
- Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
- Expected Time to Completion: Certificates (one to three semesters); AAS (four semesters)
- Estimated Tuition: In-state lower-division courses ($109.75 per credit); upper-division courses ($180 per credit)
In addition to these campus-based programs, there is a wealth of online HVAC programs as well, many of which accept NV-based students.