Accredited HVAC Schools in Omaha, NE
Accreditation is an evaluation conducted by independent agencies. The curriculum and instruction at most schools undergo the process of accreditation periodically. Students should ensure that the schools they choose for training are accredited.
Two industry organizations evaluate HVAC and HVAC/R programs. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has not accredited a Nebraska school. HVAC Excellence has awarded accreditation to Northeast Community College in Norfolk, NE. That school is included in the profiles below due to their accreditation, although the two-hour commute would probably make relocation necessary for Omaha students.
Metropolitan Community College
The MCC offers a selection of HVAC and HVAC/R programs:
- Career certificate in HVAC technology – 34.5 credit-hours
- Career certificate in commercial refrigeration technology – 34.5 credit-hours
- Certificate of achievement in HVAC technology – 52.5 credit-hours
- Certificate of achievement in refrigeration technology – 48 credit-hours
- Degree in HVAC/R – 108 credit-hours
The HVAC technology career certificate includes introductory coursework in HVAC/R electrical systems and components; the fundamentals of troubleshooting, repairing, and servicing HVAC/R systems; sheet metal fabrication; and shop practices.
The commercial refrigeration technology career certificate includes the same coursework as the HVAC technology certificate, with the addition of commercial installation and service and advanced commercial refrigeration.
Students enrolled in the HVAC technology certificate of achievement program complete the same coursework as the career certificate program, as well as their choice of advanced residential air conditioning or advanced sheet metal fabrication. In addition to the technical coursework (39 credit-hours), students also complete 13.5 credit-hours of general education requirements that include English, humanities, and technical mathematics.
Students enrolled in the refrigeration technology certificate of achievement program complete the same 34.5 credit-hours as in the career certificate program. They then add 13.5 credit-hours of general education requirements which include English, math, and information systems and literacy.
The HVAC/R degree program includes the technical coursework described in the certificate programs as well as the following: building automation, split systems, and construction safety. They also choose from technical electives that include: blueprint reading, business and entrepreneurship, advanced building automation, and hydronics. In addition to the technical curriculum, students complete 27 credit-hours of general education coursework that includes English, humanities, math, information systems and literacy, and human relations skills.
Coursework for all programs is divided between classroom lectures and hands-on experience in the lab. Graduates are qualified to seek employment as HVAC or HVAC/R technicians.
- Location: Fort Omaha Campus, Omaha, NE
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: $64 per credit-hour
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: Certificates vary; degree two years
Northeast Community College
Northeast offers an HVAC degree program that incorporates “Go Green” procedures as an integral part of the coursework. Students attend classroom lectures and spend 1,000 hours in the lab for hands-on practice. They also serve internships with local businesses. The technical curriculum includes electricity, basic refrigeration principles, sheet metal, HVAC controls, residential air conditioning, heating technology, commercial refrigeration, heat pump technology, and commercial HVAC/R.
In addition to the technical coursework, students complete general education classes in behavioral science, oral and written communication, mathematics, science/technology, and social science for a total of 78 credit-hours to earn their degree.
Graduates planning to continue their studies can transfer up to 66 credit-hours from Northeast toward a bachelor’s in technology.
- Location: Norfolk, NE
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: $99 per credit-hour
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: Two years
Southeast Community College
Students enrolled in the SCC HVAC/R degree program spend half their time in the classroom learning theory and principles and half their time applying theory and fundamentals with hands-on practice in the lab. The coursework includes preparing for and taking the EPA certification exam and Industry Competency Exam (ICE). The curriculum includes electricity, refrigeration systems, piping practices, hydronic heating, sheet metal fabrication, heat pump systems, residential installations, residential controls, troubleshooting, commercial HVAC systems, computer essentials, welding, an internship (unpaid on-the-job training), and a cooperative experience (paid on-the-job training).
To earn the degree, students complete 76 credit-hours of technical coursework and 24 hours of general education classes that include communications, English, physics, math, and choices from numerous electives that include philosophy, psychology, economics, geography, and history, among others.
- Location: Milford, NE
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: $69.50 per credit-hour
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: 18 months
Students who are unable to attend on-campus schools may find that an online institution can best meet their needs. More information on accredited programs is available online HVAC training here.