Accredited HVAC Schools in the Twin Cities
When choosing a school, it is essential to determine if it is accredited by a reputable agency. Accreditation is a process by which an independent organization evaluates the quality of the curriculum and the instructors. Certain standards must be met before accreditation is granted. Various agencies determine whether schools have met the applicable guidelines.
In this field, HVAC Excellence and Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) are the gold standard of program-based accreditation. The guidelines are available on their websites, as are lists of qualifying programs.
HVAC Excellence has awarded accreditation to the following Minnesota HVAC programs:
- Dunwoody College of Technology, Minneapolis
- Hennepin Technical College, Brooklyn Park
- Hennepin Technical College, Eden Prairie Campus
- Minneapolis Community & Technical College, Minneapolis
All of these are profiled below. Also, as of Oct. 2020, PAHRA has not accredited a Minnesota-based HVAC program.
Century College
Century College offers a selection of HVAC programs, including a 30-credit cooling certificate, a 30-credit heating certificate, a 48-credit HVAC technician diploma, and a 60-credit HVAC technology associate of applied science (AAS) degree. This HVAC/R program offers hands-on classroom instruction that students will need for beginning their careers. Emphasizing residential as well as commercial HVAC systems, the program provides students with lucrative career opportunities. Students are also prepared to test for the EPA’s Section 608 Clean Air Act Certification while completing the program.
Graduates of the cooling certificate program are prepared to install and service residential and light commercial HVAC/R equipment. Students learn the basics of workplace safety, electricity, brazing, and refrigeration. They are also taught computer literacy.
The heating certificate program teaches how to install and service residential and light commercial gas, oil, and hydronic systems, as well as the basics of workplace safety, electricity, brazing, heat load calculations, and troubleshooting.
The diploma program prepares students to install and service residential and commercial HVAC/R equipment. The coursework builds on the basics with advanced refrigeration courses and training with heat pumps, gas heaters, chillers, and steam boilers.
Finally, graduates of the associate program continue to build their HVAC/R and workplace skills with advanced coursework. They also learn the basics of welding and trade math. Students must also meet certain humanities requirements such as coursework in human diversity, global perspectives, and ethics.
- Location: White Bear Lake, Minnesota
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Expected Time to Completion: AAS (four semesters); diploma (three semesters); certificates (two semesters each)
- Estimated Tuition: $191 per credit-hour
Dunwoody College of Technology
The Dunwoody College of Technology offers two HVAC/R associate degrees: HVAC installation and residential service and HVAC/R systems servicing. All courses are available on-campus during the daytime. The programs combine lectures with hands-on training in the campus labs.
Students are trained in reading blueprints, designing residential systems, interpreting and applying regulatory codes, installing and servicing residential systems, fabricating ducts and fittings, using trade math and calculating heat loads, building system operations control systems, welding, and troubleshooting and repairing residential and commercial systems.
Both programs are made up of 72 credit-hours. It involves common courses such as HVAC electrical I, and II, heating systems I, II, and III, cooling systems I, II, and III, residential controls I, basic motor technology, and HVAC design.
The HVAC/R systems servicing program includes additional coursework in domestic refrigeration, commercial refrigeration I, and II, HVAC commercial controls I, and II, and commercial air conditioning, among others.
The HVAC installation and residential service program includes courses such as HVAC ducts and fittings, transitional fittings, the fundamentals of pattern development, welding fundamentals, and commercial blueprint reading, among others.
Graduates may continue their studies and earn a bachelor’s in construction management. Upon completion, they can take up roles such as HVAC installation technician, HVAC service technician, and sheet metal fabricator.
- Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission, American Council for Construction Education (ACCE), HVAC Excellence
- Expected Time to Completion: Two years
- Estimated Tuition: $21,251
Hennepin Technical College
Hennepin Technical College offers two diploma programs and one associate’s program in HVAC and HVAC/R at its two campuses. The classes are conducted in the days and evenings. Students learn how to work with heating or cooling rooftop units, chillers and large-building computerized energy management control systems, ice cube machines, high-efficiency electronic forced air furnaces and hydronic boilers, display cases, and coolers/freezers. There are numerous opportunities for students to advance their career.
Students can earn a diploma in residential HVAC (35 credit-hours) or a diploma in commercial HVAC/R (36 credit-hours). The residential coursework includes instruction in workplace safety, motors and controls, sheet metal and fabrication, basic refrigeration, heating and cooling systems, electrical circuits and diagrams, and trade math.
The commercial coursework includes intensive refrigeration training in ice machines, walk-in coolers, display cases, and other supermarket refrigeration equipment. Students also work on rooftop heating/cooling equipment, chillers, and building systems, learning how control systems and energy management systems work. Please note that students must complete the residential course before they are accepted into the commercial course.
The HVAC/R associate degree requires 72 credit-hours to complete. Coursework expands on the basics of residential HVAC and commercial HVAC/R fundamentals. Students also learn troubleshooting skills, boilers, energy management system controls, and communication skills. Graduates have the ability to install, retrofit, and service air handling systems and equipment.
- Location: Brooklyn Park and Eden Prairie, Minnesota
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission, HVAC Excellence
- Expected Time to Completion: Diploma (one year); degree (two years)
- Estimated Tuition: $166.22 per credit-hour
Minneapolis Community & Technical College
Minneapolis Community & Technical College has both a diploma (51 credit-hours) and a degree (72 credit-hours) HVAC/R program. The college also offers a generalist certificate in HVAC/R (18 credit-hours). Providing students with practical learning opportunities, the programs are taught by knowledgeable instructors.
The certificate program includes courses such as refrigeration fundamentals, basic electricity, trade tools and test equipment, HVAC sheet metal, copper fabrication, and refrigeration management, among others.
The diploma coursework emphasizes residential HVAC systems. Students learn how to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. They also learn how to install, service, and repair systems. Training includes working with piping, fabricating sheet metal, electrical controls, and using testing instruments.
The AAS degree in HVAC/R adds training in commercial systems to residential coursework. Among other courses, students also learn about advanced electrical controls, air-cleaning devices, air measurement and testing equipment and tools, and thermal solar energy.
Graduates are prepared for diagnosing problems, performing repairs, conducting maintenance on commercial and residential HVAC/R systems, and working with heat recovery ventilators, air-cleaning devices, advanced electrical controls, carbon monoxide testing instruments, and sophisticated air measurement equipment. They can take up roles such as HVAC service technician, indoor air quality specialist, commercial refrigeration service technician, and HVAC/R building maintenance specialist.
- Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission, HVAC Excellence
- Expected Time to Completion: Diploma (1.5 years); degree (two years)
- Estimated Tuition: $186.30 per credit-hour