Accredited HVAC Schools in Detroit, MI
It’s important to choose a school that is accredited. Various organizations offer accreditation, which is the process of evaluating the quality of the curriculum offered and the instructors. The accrediting organization must be independent to be credible.
Two organizations are recognized as accrediting HVAC and HVAC/R programs. HVAC Excellence has awarded accreditation to Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, MI; and The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has awarded accreditation to Grand Rapids Community College in Grand Rapids, MI. Due to its accreditation, that school is included in the profiles below although attending would require Detroit students to commute.
Grand Rapids Community College
The college offers HVAC/R technology certificate and HVAC/R technology degree programs. Students in the certificate program complete 33 hours of coursework as follows:
- Basic refrigeration and refrigeration applications
- Metallic and non-metallic joining
- Heating and air conditioning theory
- Blueprint reading
- Design
- Duct construction and design
- HVAC/R controls
- Mechanical codes
- Commercial refrigeration
- Advanced HVAC/R
- Boiler operation
- Geothermal HVAC systems
Graduates are qualified to seek employment as HVAC/R mechanics.
All of the certificate coursework may be transferred to the degree program. In addition, degree students must take at least 15 credit hours of general education coursework divided between English, humanities, social science, and math. They then choose from technical electives that include: technical math, industrial graphics, electricity and electronics, control systems, and welding.
They may also elect to complete an internship, for a total of 60 credit-hours to earn their degree. Graduates are qualified to seek positions as HVAC/R mechanics, system designers, sales reps, and similar positions in the industry.
- Location: Grand Rapids, MI
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Format: On-campus
- Tuition: $115 per credit-hour
- Program Length: Certificate (30 weeks), degree (two years)
Henry Ford Community College
The HFCC offers an energy technology heating and cooling advanced certificate program and an energy technology HVAC degree program. Coursework for both programs includes classroom lectures and hands-on training in labs. The certificate program is designed to prepare graduates for employment as residential and commercial installation and service technicians. The certificate curriculum includes:
- Workplace skills
- Energy technology
- Electricity
- HVAC/R technology
- Sheet metal fabrication
- Heating and cooling codes
- HVAC installation and startup
- Blueprint reading
- Steam and hot water heating systems
- Fundamentals of energy conversion
- Commercial HVAC/R
- Energy systems design and management
- Energy technology project management
Students must complete 52 credit-hours to earn their certificate.
Students who wish to earn a degree must complete the above coursework with the addition of general education classes that include electives from social sciences and mathematics, as well as technical writing and communication and information technology. Students complete 68 credit-hours to earn their degree. Graduates gain expertise in the principles of energy measurement, conservation, and the operation and repair of residential and commercial HVAC/R equipment.
- Location: Dearborn, MI
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Format: On-campus
- Tuition: $99 per credit-hour for basic courses; $200 per credit-hour for advanced courses
- Program Length: Certificate (64 weeks), degree (two years)
Macomb Community College
Macomb offers the following certificates:
- Air conditioning: 24 credit-hours to be completed in eight months
- Climate control technology: 42 credit-hours to be completed in 20 months
- Heating: 27 credit-hours to be completed in 16 months
- HVAC installation and service: 31 credit-hours to be completed in 16 months
- Refrigeration: 24 credit-hours to be completed in eight months
Curriculum for each course includes HVAC basics and technology with the addition of coursework relevant to the specialty of the certificate.
The college also offers a degree in climate control technology. The coursework may be completed on either full time or part-time status. The curriculum includes: HVAC/R fundamentals, duct layout and fabrication, HVAC system design controls, steam and hot water heating systems, mechanical codes, and advanced HVAC/R. General education electives are also required to complete the 62 credit-hours needed to earn the degree.
- Location: Warren, MI
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Format: On-campus
- Tuition: $102 per credit-hour
- Program Length: Certificates (as described above), degree (two years)
MIAT College of Technology
MIAT offers an HVAC/R technician career training program built around classroom lectures and hands-on training. The curriculum includes the following coursework: schematics, tool use, piping and fitting, sheet metal and fiberglass ducting, air handling and hydronics, electrical circuits and components, vent systems, troubleshooting controls, load calculations, inspection and documentation, and customer relations. Graduates are qualified to sit for industry exams, including EPA certification.
- Location: Canton, MI
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Format: On-campus
- Tuition: $17,192
- Program Length: Nine months
Northwestern Technological Institute
Northwestern offers a Climate Control Technology certificate program. Students receive hands-on training in the general categories of air conditioning, electrical systems, heating, troubleshooting, heat pumps, boilers, installation, property management, and career development.
Each category includes coursework specific to it. For example, the installation category includes subjects such as installation clearances, venting requirements, mechanical codes, electricity, pipe cutting and threading, sheet metal design and installation, wiring, and startup procedures. Graduates are qualified to sit for industry exams such as EPA certification and seek employment as residential or commercial technicians.
- Location: Southfield, MI
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Format: On-campus
- Tuition: $16,320
- Program Length: 11 months
Oakland Community College
Oakland offers the following HVAC/R systems technology certificate programs at the Auburn Hills campus:
- Heating: 28 credit-hours
- Air conditioning: 31 credit-hours
- Refrigeration: 29 credit-hours
Each program includes basic HVAC/R principles with additional coursework in subjects relevant to the specific certificate. The OCC also offers an HVAC/R Technician degree program, also at the Auburn Hills campus. The curriculum includes:
- Introductory HVAC/R
- Sheet metal layout and fabrication
- HVAC/R controls
- Commercial refrigeration
- HVAC/R design
- Codes and regulations
- Troubleshooting
- Applied technology
- Cooperative internship
In addition to the technical coursework, students are required to take general education subjects such as English/communication, fine arts/humanities, mathematics/science, social science, and business communication. Students complete 64 credit-hours to earn their degree. Graduates are qualified for employment as HVAC/R technicians, system designers, manufacturer’s representatives, and other industry positions.
- Location: Auburn Hills campus, MI
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Format: On-campus
- Tuition: $92 per credit hour
- Program Length: Certificates vary; degree two years
Wayne County Community College District
The college offers HVAC certificate programs for:
- 3rd class refrigeration, 28 credit-hours: includes coursework in blueprint reading, introductory HVAC and hermetics, commercial refrigeration and controls, electricity, codes and regulations, algebra, and English
- Geothermal technology, 33 credit-hours: includes coursework in thermogeology, renewable energy, geothermal systems and technology, introductory HVAC and hermetics, GHEX accreditation, and algebra
- High pressure steam, 30 credit-hours: includes coursework in blueprint reading, heating controls, forced air and hydronic heating, codes and regulations, boiler plant maintenance and accessories, steam, and algebra
- Sheet metal design and fabrication, 34 credit-hours: includes coursework in blueprint reading, heating controls, introductory HVAC and hermetics, ventilation and duct fabrication, properties of air and duct design, and algebra
Graduates of the certificate programs are qualified to seek entry-level employment as technicians in their specialty.
The College also offers an HVAC degree program. The curriculum includes the coursework required for all of the certificate programs with the addition of the following: commercial refrigeration, advanced HVAC, technical communication, and advanced controls. Students also complete general education requirements in humanities, American government, English, natural science, and social science. They must complete 64 credit-hours to earn their degree.
- Location: Detroit, MI
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Format: On-campus
- Tuition: $107.10 per credit hour
- Program Length: Certificates one year; degree two years
Washtenaw Community College
The college offers HVAC/R certificate programs and a degree program. The certificate programs include:
- HVAC I: four credit-hours
- Sheet metal fabrication: four credit-hours
- HVAC II: four credit-hours
- Residential and light commercial air conditioning: four credit-hours
- Residential HVAC competency exams and codes: three credit-hours
- HVAC independent study: one to eight credit-hours
- Energy audits: four credit-hours
- Air system layout and design: three credit-hours
- Refrigeration systems: three credit-hours
- Hydronic systems: four credit-hours
Not all programs are available all semesters.
Students may also earn an advanced certificate in HVAC commercial trade with the completion of 17 credit-hours in the following:
- Refrigeration systems
- Hydronic systems
- Commercial standards with competency exams
- Energy audits
- Air system layout and design
The program takes 45 weeks to complete.
The HVAC/R degree program incorporates the curriculum included in all the certificate programs and adds required electives in subjects such as writing and communication, humanities, natural sciences, and social and behavioral sciences. Students complete 60 credit-hours to earn their degree. Credits are transferable to Eastern Michigan University.
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Format: On-campus
- Tuition: $95 per credit hour
- Program Length: Certificates (vary), degree (two years)