Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Lexington, KY
When choosing a school, it is essential to select an institution that is accredited. Accreditation is a process by which an independent agency evaluates the quality of the program, including both the curriculum and the instructors.
HVAC programs receive accreditation from two industry organizations. HVAC Excellence has accredited Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College in Bowling Green and Sullivan University in Louisville. Although attending Southcentral would require a lengthy commute for Lexington students, both schools are included in the profiles below due to their accreditation. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has not accredited a Kentucky school.
Kentucky Community and Technical College System includes 16 colleges and 70 campuses throughout Kentucky. Bluegrass Community and Technical College offers an HVAC program in Lexington. Others close to Lexington offering an HVAC program include Jefferson in Louisville, Maysville in Maysville and Morehead, and Somerset in Somerset.
Bluegrass Community and Technical College offers an HVAC technology degree program, an HVAC mechanic diploma program, and the following certificate programs:
- Environmental control system servicer: 24-25 credit-hours
- Environmental system repair helper: 9-10 credit-hours
- Domestic air conditioner and furnace installer: 35-36 credit-hours
- Refrigeration mechanic: 27-28 credit-hours
Coursework for the certificate programs includes the fundamentals of HVAC and electricity as well as subjects relevant to the certificate. The diploma program includes the certificate coursework as well as heat load/duct design, commercial systems, up to 12 hours of technical electives, digital literacy, written and oral communications, and a social science elective. Students finish with their choice of a practicum or special problems and earn their diploma at the completion of 48-57 credit-hours.
The HVAC degree program includes all of the above coursework and additional general education classes. Students complete 60-66 credits to earn their degree. Coursework for all the programs is presented in classroom lectures followed by hands-on training in the lab.
Jefferson Community and Technical College offers the HVAC mechanic diploma program and the above certificate programs. Maysville and Somerset Community Technical Colleges offer the HVAC mechanic diploma program and two additional certificate programs:
- Boiler maintenance: 20 credit-hours
- Chiller maintenance: 19 credit-hours
Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College offers the HVAC technology degree program, the HVAC mechanic diploma program, but currently does not offer the refrigeration mechanic, boiler maintenance, and chiller maintenance certificate programs.
- Location: Campus locations indicated above
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges for all colleges in the system; HVAC Excellence at Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College only
- Format: On-campus
- Tuition: $174 per credit-hour
- Program length: Certificate (six to 12 months); diploma (12 to 18 months); degree (two years)
Sullivan University
Sullivan University, a private college, offers an HVAC/R technology degree program and an HVAC/R technology certificate program. Although the college has a campus in Lexington, the HVAC programs are currently available only in Louisville. The college partners with Harshaw Trane, which gives students an opportunity to participate in externships. Harshaw Trane also offers some scholarships.
The curriculum for the 43-credit certificate program includes computer applications, composition, information literacy, blueprint reading, HVAC/R systems, refrigeration, electrical applications, building automation, advanced math, and the student’s choice of commercial systems or an externship. Graduates are qualified to sit for industry exams and seek entry-level employment.
Students in the 91-credit degree program complete all of the certificate program coursework. Additional courses include commercial systems, air and water distribution systems, loads and humidity, troubleshooting, electro-mechanical devices, professional development, an externship, and a capstone project in addition to general education coursework.
- Location: Louisville, KY
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Format: On-campus
- Tuition: $320 per credit-hour
- Program length: Certificate (nine months); degree (18-24 months)
Students in Lexington who are unable to attend an on-campus school may prefer an accredited online institution. For more information on accredited programs available, visit the online HVAC training page website.