Accredited HVAC Schools in Wichita, KS
School programs and instructors are often evaluated by independent organizations. The evaluation process is known as accreditation—the purpose of which is to establish standards and accountability that students can trust.
Two main industry organizations evaluate HVAC and HVAC/R programs. HVAC Excellence has not accredited a Kansas school, but the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has awarded accreditation to Johnson Community College, in Overland Park, KS. That school is included in the profiles below due to the accreditation although the commute would probably make relocation necessary for Wichita students.
Hutchinson Community College
The college offers an HVAC/R certificate program that includes classroom lectures and hands-on training in the lab. In addition to HVAC/R and electricity fundamentals, the curriculum includes programmable logic controls, motor controls, commercial HVAC/R, Section 608 preparation and testing, load calculations and duct sizing, code requirements, low-pressure boilers, and technical math.
Students also choose technical and industrial safety electives to earn the 43 credits needed to earn their certificate. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level employment as residential, commercial, and industrial HVAC/R installation and maintenance technicians.
- Location: Hutchinson, KS
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: In-state ($118 per credit); out-of-state ($149 per credit)
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: 18 months
Johnson County Community College
The college offers an HVAC technology certificate and degree program. Both programs include classroom lectures and hands-on practice in the lab. The certificate curriculum includes the fundamentals of HVAC and electricity, refrigerants, sheet metal layout and fabrication, workplace skills, industrial safety, load calculations and duct design, system installation and startup, advanced electrical systems, and cooling systems.
Students complete 33 credits to earn their certificate. Enrollees in the degree program complete all of the above coursework, with the addition of the following: HVAC rooftop units, plumbing fundamentals, refrigerant management, business math codes, and additional internship hours.
They also complete general education coursework in subjects such as the humanities, communication, social science, and economics, for a total of 63 credits to earn their degree.
- Location: Overland Park, KS
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: Johnson County residents ($94 per credit); Kansas county residents ($112 per credit)
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: Certificate (12 months); degree (24 months)
Wichita State University Tech
The college offers a technical certificate program and a degree program for climate and energy control technology (HVAC). The coursework for both programs is divided between classroom lectures and hands-on training in the lab. Evening classes are available for students who prefer to complete either program on a part-time basis.
The certificate program includes the following: a safety orientation, HVAC and electricity fundamentals, sheet metal fabrication, workplace skills, heat loads and duct sizing, heat pumps, EPA 608 certification preparation, advanced HVAC and electricity, and commercial HVAC. Students complete 44 credits to earn their certificate.
The degree program includes the above coursework, in addition to the following: computer applications, algebra, craft skills, composition, a social science elective, and a communication elective. Students complete 62 credits to earn their degrees. All technical courses for both programs are completed on campus. Certain general education courses may be completed online.
- Location: Wichita, KS
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: Certificate ($10,059); Degree ($12,717)
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: Certificate (10 months); degree (24 months)
Wichita Technical Institute
The school offers an HVAC/R technician program that combines classroom lectures with hands-on training in their lab. Graduates are prepared to seek entry-level jobs as HVAC/R technicians. This 60-credit curriculum includes the following:
- Electrical refrigeration fundamentals
- EPA training and research project
- Heating systems installation and troubleshooting
- Heat pump systems, preventive maintenance, and research project
- Introduction to HVAC/R
- Building construction and building science principles
- AC installation, troubleshooting, and research project
- Refrigeration controls and troubleshooting
- Commercial refrigeration systems and research project
Students prepare and take the following industry exams as part of the coursework:
- EPA Section 608
- Industry Competency Exam (ICE)
- Building Science Principles (BSP)
Passing the exams and receiving industry certifications can increase employability. Upon completion of this program, graduates will be able to take up roles such as HVAC/R technicians, appliance repair technicians, maintenance technicians, and refrigeration technicians.
- Location: Wichita, KS
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Tuition: $20,500
- Format: On-campus
- Program Length: 48 weeks
Wichita students who are unable to attend an on-campus school may find that an online institution will better fit their needs. Information on accredited programs for online HVAC training is available here.