Accredited HVAC Schools in Topeka, KS
It’s essential that students select a school that is accredited when pursuing formal education. Accreditation means that an independent agency has evaluated the curriculum and instructors of the institution. HVAC programs are accredited by HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA).
To date, HVAC Excellence has not accredited a Kansas school. PAHRA has awarded accreditation to Johnson County Community College, Overland Park. Although attending that school would entail a lengthy commute for Topeka students, it is included in the profiles below due to its accreditation. The remaining schools have received accreditation from other agencies.
Note: The information in this article was compiled in December 2020 during the “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” restrictions. The profiled schools have temporarily suspended classes or are transitioning to online options to comply with the restrictions. Questions as to timing and format should be directed to the school administration.
Johnson County Community College
Johnson offers two HVAC programs: an HVAC technology certificate and an HVAC technology degree. Coursework for both programs is presented in classroom lectures combined with hands-on practice in the lab. The curriculum for the certificate program includes the fundamentals of HVAC, electricity and heating systems, sheet metal layout and fabrication, industrial safety, refrigerants, load calculation and duct design, cooling systems, installation and start-up, workplace skills, and an internship. Students are awarded their certificate at the completion of 32 to 34 credit-hours.
Students choosing the degree program complete all the technical coursework included in the certificate program. They also complete additional technical studies that include HVAC rooftop units, plumbing fundamentals, HVAC codes and certifications, and business math. They complete additional internship hours and general education coursework in subjects that include humanities, communication, social science, and economics, for a total of 61 credit-hours to earn their degree.
Graduates of both programs are qualified to sit for industry exams that include EPA Section 608 and OSHA 30-hour certifications.
- Location: Overland Park, KS
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: $94 per credit-hour for residents of Johnson County; $112 per credit-hour for other Kansas residents
- Program Length: Certificate one year; degree two years
Kansas City Kansas Community College
The college offers a heating and refrigeration certificate program. The curriculum includes safety, refrigeration system components, electricity, sheet metal, HVAC and heating system fundamentals, heat pumps, refrigerants, servicing and troubleshooting, electric heating, cooling, refrigeration, and workplace skills.
Their instructor then selects up to nine additional credit-hours for students to complete from the following electives: refrigeration theory, sheet metal layout/fabrication, internship, R-410A safety, advanced cooling, refrigeration and components, electrical controls, geothermal heating, and special projects. Students complete a total of 44 credit-hours to earn their certificate. Graduates are qualified to sit for EPA Section 608 and R-410A certification exams.
- Location: Kansas City, KS
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: $82 per credit-hour for Wyandotte County residents; $88 per credit-hour for other Kansas residents
- Program Length: One year
Washburn Institute of Technology
Washburn Tech offers a climate and energy control technology (HVAC) certificate program. Students may choose to attend on a half-day or full-day basis. The curriculum is the same for either option and begins with workplace skills and safety. Technical coursework encompasses electrical theory and fundamentals, heating systems, sheet metal fabrication, heat flow, gain, and loss, HVAC fundamentals, refrigerants, mechanical refrigeration, heat pumps, and commercial HVAC that includes hands-on training in the lab.
Graduates are qualified for several industry exams, including:
- Building Automation Level 1
- EPA Section 608
- HVAC/R Industry Competency Exam (ICE)
- Meter Certification
- OSHA-10
- R-410A Safety
- Tool Safety
Students complete a total of 44 credit-hours, which they may transfer to a degree program at Washburn University.
- Location: Topeka, KS
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Tuition: $10,142
- Program Length: Half-day students, two years; Full-day students, one year
Wichita Technical Institute
WTI offers an HVAC/R program at several of its campuses, including Topeka. The curriculum includes electrical and refrigeration fundamentals, EPA training and research project, heating systems installation and troubleshooting, heat pump systems, maintenance, and research project, air conditioning systems installation, troubleshooting, and research project, refrigeration systems, controls, and troubleshooting, and commercial refrigeration systems and research project.
Graduates are qualified to seek employment in a variety of industry positions such as appliance repair technician, HVAC/R technician, installer, or maintenance technician.
- Location: Topeka, KS
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
- Tuition: $16,800
- Program Length: 48 weeks