Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Kansas
Those that choose not to go the apprenticeship route will want to find formal training elsewhere, such as a trade school or community college. When choosing a program, it is essential to determine if it is accredited and by which organization. Accreditation is a process in which an independent agency evaluates the quality of the program and weighs their finding against the standards they have established. The accreditation process includes the evaluation of both the curriculum and the instructors.
HVAC Excellence is an accrediting institution but has not yet accredited a Kansas school as of May 2021. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has currently granted accredited status to Johnson County Community College.
Johnson County Community College
Johnson County Community College offers an AAS degree and a certificate in HVAC technology. The degree program is focused on developing an awareness of basic scientific and mathematical principles of HVAC, while the HVAC certificate program provides students with basic skills required to maintain residential HVAC equipment.
Students enrolled in the HVAC certificate program complete 33 credits of coursework and hands-on training in the laboratory. They learn the basics of electricity, HVAC installation & startup, and how to layout and fabricate sheet metal. Students also complete an internship. Graduates are qualified to take the EPA Section 608 exam and seek entry-level employment.
Students may also earn an associate’s degree in HVAC. The degree program builds on the basics with coursework and lab time that includes duct design, heat pumps, mathematics, and the science and theory of HVAC. They serve an additional internship and are qualified to take industry tests, including NATE certification. The program takes 63 credits to complete.
Students learn to install, design, service, and repair central air conditioners, electric and gas furnaces, and heat pumps.
- Location: Overland Park, KS
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Higher Learning Commission
- Format: On-campus
- Expected Time to Completion: Certificate (two semesters); AAS degree (four semesters)
- Estimated Tuition: Johnson County residents ($94 per credit); Kansas county residents ($112 per credit); out-of-state ($223 per credit)
Kansas City Kansas Community College
Kansas City Kansas Community College offers a heating and refrigeration certificate program.
Students earn a technical certificate in HVAC at the completion of 44 credits. The curriculum includes courses such as refrigeration system components, electrical theory, HVAC fundamentals, heating system fundamentals, electrical fundamentals, and heat pump systems, among others.
Students also learn sheet metal techniques and how to braze. Graduates are qualified for EPA and R-401A refrigerant certifications testing.
- Location: Kansas City, KS
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Format: On-campus
- Expected Time to Completion: One year
- Estimated Tuition: Wyandotte County Residents ($82 per credit); in-state ($88 per credit); Out of State ($195 per credit)
Manhattan Area Technical College
Manhattan Area Technical College offers an HVAC certificate and an associate of applied science program preparing apprentices and mechanics for entry-level employment in a wide range of service, construction, and maintenance positions in industry and business. Students learn about installing, servicing, and repairing HVAC/R systems.
The AAS degree program comprises 62 credits, while the certificate is made up of 40 credits. Some of the courses in the curriculum are HVAC fundamentals, electrical fundamentals, domestic refrigeration, heating system fundamentals, advanced refrigeration, and commercial refrigeration.
Graduates are qualified to take the EPA exam and seek entry-level employment as commercial and residential technicians.
- Location: Manhattan, KS
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Format: On-campus
- Expected Time to Completion: Certificate (nine months); AAS degree (24 months)
- Estimated Tuition: Certificate ($12,455); AAS degree ($17,410)
Salina Area Technical College
Salina Area Technical College offers a technical certificate and an associate degree program in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. These programs involve hands-on training with equipment such as furnaces, heat pumps, air conditioners, walk-in & reach-in coolers, sheet metal equipment, and ice machines.
Students complete 36 credits for the certificate and 60 credits for the associate degree to graduate. They start with the fundamentals of electrical, HVAC & HVAC/R. Coursework includes gas and electric heating, sheet metal layout and fabrication, compressors, heat pumps, and control systems. Students also learn commercial and residential troubleshooting and are qualified to take the EPA 608 exam. The degree course adds general studies, technical math, and HVAC electives.
Graduates of the program can pursue roles such as service technician, commercial & residential HVAC technician, service manager, sales professional, and HVAC installer.
- Location: Salina, KS
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Format: On-campus
- Expected Time to Completion: Certificate (nine months); AAS degree (24 months)
- Estimated Tuition: Certificate ($10,528); AAS degree ($13,591)
Seward County Community College
The college combines classroom work with hands-on training using state-of-the-art equipment to teach students the basics of commercial and residential HVAC/R. Students also learn how to read blueprints, troubleshoot systems, and excel in customer relations.
A certificate is awarded at the completion of 42 credits. Earning a degree requires the completion of 60 credits. As part of the program, students will delve into topics such as electrical fundamentals, HVAC fundamentals, motors & control systems, principles of troubleshooting, system design, heating system fundamentals, and HVAC controls.
Graduates of these programs will have career opportunities in HVAC/R technology, corporate repair facilities, independently owned facilities, installation & service technology, and electrical maintenance.
- Location: Liberal, KS
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Format: On-campus
- Expected Time to Completion: Certificate (10 months); AAS degree (24 months)
- Estimated Tuition: Seward county residents ($113 per credit); in-state ($114 per credit); out-of-state ($151 per credit)
Washburn Institute of Technology
Washburn Institute of Technology offers an HVAC certificate providing technical training to students in areas of electricity, residential air conditioning, heating, refrigeration, direct digital controls (DDC), and commercial HVAC applications.
Students complete 44 credit hours of coursework and lab time to earn an HVAC certificate. They learn the fundamentals of commercial and residential HVAC and HVAC/R equipment and systems. They also study advanced electrical theory, refrigeration mechanics, and sheet metal fabrication. Graduates are qualified to take the exams for 410A Safety, Building Automation, EPA 608, HVAC/R ICE, OSHA-10, Workplace Safety, and Meter certifications.
On successful completion of the program, graduates can take up roles such as solar technician, service manager, systems designer, wind turbine tech, HVAC technician, and many such roles.
Washburn also offers online HVAC/R training. The online training is divided into modules, each of which must be completed within 60 days. Coursework includes HVAC/R fundamentals, power and hand tools, electrical theory, motors, measuring airflow and capacity, piping, troubleshooting, and customer service.
- Location: Topeka, KS
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Format: On-campus
- Expected Time to Completion: Part-time (24 months); full-time (12 months)
- Estimated Tuition: High school students ($170 per credit); adult ($148 per credit)
Wichita State University Tech
Wichita State University offers a degree program and a technical certificate program for climate & energy control technologies (HVAC). Coursework for both these programs is divided between hands-on training in a lab and classroom lectures.
Students may earn an HVAC technical certificate which is made up of 44 credits or an associate degree which comprises 62 credit-hours. Sample some of the courses in the curriculum: HVAC fundamentals, electrical fundamentals, introduction to mechanical refrigeration, heating system fundamentals, heat loads and duct sizing, advanced heating systems, heat pumps, and sheet metal fabrication.
Students are also prepared for OSHA-10 and EPA 608 certification tests. Preparing students for careers in the HVAC industry, these programs help students in developing academic, professional, and occupational knowledge and skills required for job acquisition and advancement.
- Location: Wichita, KS
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Format: On-campus
- Expected Time to Completion: Certificate (12 months); AAS degree (24 months)
- Estimated Tuition: Certificate ($9,525); AAS degree ($11,995)
Wichita Technical Institute
The institute offers an HVAC/R technician program preparing graduates for entry-level jobs as HVAC technicians. Classroom lectures present theory and the fundamentals, which are complemented by hands-on laboratory training. Students will complete several research products and prepare for the EPA 608 certification exam.
Consisting of 60 quarter credits, the program includes courses such as electrical fundamentals, refrigeration fundamentals, introduction to heating systems, heating systems installation & troubleshooting, introduction to air conditioning, introduction to refrigeration systems, refrigeration controls & troubleshooting, and building construction & building science principles.
At the end of the program, graduates can pursue opportunities such as HVAC technician, refrigeration technician, installer, appliance repair technician, and maintenance technician.
- Location: Wichita and Topeka, KS
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Format: On-campus
- Program length: 48 weeks
- Estimated Tuition: $4,100 per quarter