Accredited HVAC Schools in Des Moines, IA
Workers choosing to learn their skills through classroom training rather than participating in an apprenticeship should ensure that they attend a school that is accredited. To become accredited, the institution undergoes an evaluation of its curriculum and instructors by an independent agency.
HVAC programs are accredited by two industry organizations. HVAC Excellence has awarded accreditation to Scott Community College, Bettendorf, IA. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has not accredited an Iowa school. Although the commute to Scott Community College is too long to be practical for most Des Moines students, the college is included in the profiles below due to its accreditation.
Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC)
DMACC offers an HVAC/R technology diploma program and an HVAC/R degree program. Both programs include classroom lectures and hands-on practice in a lab. The program provides students with the theory, skills, and knowledge of HVAC/R equipment for systems in light commercial and residential structures.
Students in the diploma program complete 41 credits during three terms of attendance. The curriculum includes HVAC trade skills, refrigeration, electricity, trade math, residential HVAC, controls and circuits, sheet metal fabrication, communication skills, composition, and an internship.
Students seeking a degree complete the above curriculum and add two more terms of coursework. The additional curriculum includes advanced HVAC, air distribution, blueprint reading, technical physics, commercial HVAC/R, load calculations, environmental controls, interpersonal communication, and a psychology/sociology elective. They complete a total of 73 credits to earn their degree.
Students learn to install, service, and repair HVAC/R systems, install ductwork and related parts, ensure the smooth working of systems, and connect compressors and motors to control panels. Graduates mostly go on to become service and installation technicians, while some might go into sales or start their businesses.
- Location: Ankeny, IA
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
- Format: On-campus
- Expected Time to Completion: Diploma (12 months); degree (24 months)
- Estimated Tuition: $174 per credit
Eastern Iowa Community Colleges (Scott Community College)
The colleges offer an HVAC diploma program at the Scott campus. This diploma provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills needed for gaining entry-level employment as HVAC technicians. Students will receive high-quality hands-on training in installing, repairing, and maintaining a wide range of HVAC/R systems. Combining hands-on skills with laboratory experiences and classroom lectures, the program also provides students with the opportunity to complete several competency exams.
The curriculum includes computer literacy, HVAC trade skills, fundamentals of refrigeration, electricity, domestic heating, controls and circuits, interpersonal communication, advanced domestic HVAC, and industrial safety. Students complete a total of 39 credits and are qualified to take industry competency exams in residential and light commercial HVAC.
- Location: Bettendorf, IA
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Higher Learning Commission
- Format: On-campus
- Expected Time to Completion: 12 months
- Estimated Tuition: In-state ($175 per credit); online and nearby counties ($195 per credit); out-of-state ($242 per credit)
Hawkeye Community College
Hawkeye Community College offers an HVAC diploma program preparing students for employment as HVAC technicians in this industry. Students in this program learn about the basics of installing, repairing, and maintaining residential and commercial HVAC/R systems. They will work in HVAC labs on equipment such as heat pumps, air conditioners, furnaces, furnaces, boilers, and more.
The program consists of 44 credits including courses such as boiler fundamentals, introduction to HVAC/R, operation strategies, hydronic heating systems, controls for HVAC/R, residential forced-air heating systems, and applied electricity for HVAC/R, among others.
Graduates of the program will have a variety of career options such as working for commercial businesses, dealers, and distributors as service technicians and installers.
- Location: Waterloo, Iowa
- Accreditation: The Higher Learning Commission
- Format: On-campus
- Expected Time to Completion: Ten months
- Estimated Tuition: Resident ($202 per credit); non-resident ($221 per credit)
North Iowa Area Community College
North Iowa Area Community College offers a diploma and an AAS degree program in HVAC preparing students for employment in the industrial, commercial, and residential HVAC industry as entry-level technicians.
The diploma comprises 30 credits including courses in residential heating systems, skills & safety in the industry, troubleshooting heating systems, residential air-conditioning systems, applied math A, B, and C, communications, troubleshooting air-conditioning systems, maintenance shop operations, Ag & industrial welding, and college essentials.
All courses from the diploma are included in the associate in applied science degree which is made of 60 credits. Additional courses in this program include an introduction to entrepreneurship, commercial heating systems, workplace professionalism, commercial air-conditioning systems, control systems for HVAC, sheet metal fabrication, systems design, technical graphics, and network essentials.
The program opens up several opportunities for graduates. They can take up roles such as HVAC lab technician, commercial HVAC controls technician, HVAC sales manager, commercial HVAC service technician, and HVAC parts manager.
- Location: Mason City, IA
- Accreditation: The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
- Expected Time to Completion: Diploma (12 months); AAS (24 months)
- Estimated Tuition: Iowa residents ($165.75 per credit); non-residents ($248.63 per credit)
Des Moines workers who are unable to attend one of the above colleges may find that online HVAC training at an accredited online school will meet their needs.