Accredited HVAC Schools in Indianapolis, IN
When choosing a school, it is essential to determine if it is accredited and by which organization. Accreditation is the process by which an independent agency evaluates the quality of the program curriculum and instructors.
Two industry organizations accredit HVAC programs. HVAC Excellence has awarded accreditation to programs at seven of the Ivy Technical Community College campuses, although the Indianapolis campus did not receive this specific accreditation. The program at the Columbus campus is included in the profiles below as it is the closest school to Indianapolis. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has not yet accredited an Indiana school.
Training at AC/C TECH focuses on residential and apartment maintenance and includes a technical certificate in HVAC management technology. Students complete coursework in five areas:
- Electric furnace maintenance
- Gas furnace maintenance
- EPA technician certification
- Air conditioning maintenance
- Heat pump maintenance
Instruction consists of 200 hours of specialized technical training, 110 hours of online training, 40 hours of in-field training with an instructor, and 50 hours of on-the-job training with an employer.
Students may apply the certificate training toward a degree in residential and apartment technology. The degree requires 1,144 hours of specialized training in appliance repair, electrical wiring, interior/exterior building maintenance, plumbing, swimming pool maintenance, REAC inspections, and mold remediation. They also complete coursework in self-management and supervision.
- Location: Indianapolis, IN
- Accreditation: Indiana Board for Proprietary Education
- Tuition: Certificate $1,500 (plus books, tools, safety equipment, and uniforms); degree $7,225 (plus books, tools, safety equipment, and uniforms)
- Format: Online and on-campus
- Program Length: Self-paced
Fortis College
Fortis College offers an HVAC certificate program that teaches the skills needed to troubleshoot, service, and repair commercial, industrial, and residential systems. Students also receive training in computerized diagnostics. Coursework is presented in classroom lectures and through hands-on training in labs. The curriculum includes instruction in thermodynamics, electricity, HVAC/R controls, motors and motor controls, refrigerants, residential and commercial air conditioning, commercial and industrial, refrigeration, electric heat and heat pumps, troubleshooting, service calls, and EPA certification preparation.
Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level employment as HVAC technicians.
- Location: Indianapolis, IN
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Format: On-campus
- Tuition: $17,413 (includes fees); $1,220 for books and supplies
- Program Length: 48 weeks
Ivy Technical Community College
Ivy Tech offers three levels of HVAC training: certificate, technical certificate, and degree. The coursework for all levels is lab-based to provide hands-on experience. Students begin with introductory HVAC and electricity coursework, then add refrigeration and electrical circuits and controls to earn their certificate. The program takes 21 credit-hours to complete.
Students wishing to earn a technical certificate complete the above coursework with the addition of the following: workplace communication, technical math, duct fabrication and installation, and heat pumps. The program requires 31 credit-hours to complete.
Degree-seeking students complete the technical coursework required for the technical certificate and six HVAC electives. They also complete coursework in general electives such as chemistry, behavioral science, physics, earth science, energy science, and English composition. They end with a green awareness capstone course. Their degree is awarded at the completion of 60 credit-hours.
- Location: Columbus, IN
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- Format: On-campus
- Tuition: $140.61 per credit-hour
- Program Length: Certificate (one year); technical certificate (one year); degree (two years)
For some residents of Indiana, attending an on-campus HVAC program may be difficult due to time or distance restrictions. They may find that online institutions can better meet their needs. For more information on accredited programs available, visit the online HVAC training page on this site.