Accredited HVAC Schools in Idaho
Prior to working as an HVAC technician, it is necessary to obtain the requisite skills and knowledge through a training program. Typically, instruction is available through an apprenticeship, degree, or certificate program.
An apprenticeship usually offers comprehensive training while paying students to learn. For example, the Sheet Metal Workers’ Union Local #55 of Boise provides an apprenticeship program that lasts four years, during which the apprentice will receive on-the-job training, as well as 280 hours of classroom education each year. Apprentices earn compensation for their work, and are eligible for five percent raises every six months.
Another example would include Lewis-Clark State College’s hands-on apprenticeship degree program which is intended for technicians who are actively employed in the trade. The program involves 16 to 18 general education requirements and 64 credits of HVAC-R-based theories and apprenticeship work.
Aspiring HVAC technicians also have the option to pursue a degree. Here, it is also important to note that more and more aspiring HVAC technicians are choosing to enroll in accredited programs, which may last up to two years. Currently, only two agencies provide accreditation for HVAC schools: HVAC Excellence and Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA).
As of August 2021, there were two HVAC Excellence-accredited programs in ID and no PAHRA-accredited options.
College of Southern Idaho
The College of Southern Idaho in Twin Falls offers an associate of applied science (AAS) degree, a basic technical certificate, and an intermediate technical certificate in air conditioning, refrigeration, and heating technology providing students with the knowledge and skills needed for working on refrigeration and heating systems.
The basic certificate comprises 8 credits while the intermediate certificate consists of 32.5 credits. The AAS degree program is made up of 60 credits.
As part of the program, students will delve into topics such as fossil fuel furnaces, heat pumps, national electrical code, commercial refrigeration, ammonia refrigeration, EPA certification, and air conditioning.
Students through these programs gain the basic knowledge and skills for safely working with, repairing, troubleshooting, and servicing industrial, and commercial refrigeration systems and the associated equipment and identifying the hazards associated with ammonia systems.
- Location: Twin Falls, ID
- Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities; HVAC Excellence
- Expected Time to Completion: AAS degree (24 months); certificates (Less than a year)
- Estimated Tuition: In-district ($140 per credit); out-of-district ($190 per credit); out-of-state and foreign ($285 per credit)
North Idaho College
Aspiring HVAC technicians also have the option of pursuing a certificate from North Idaho College of Coeur d’Alene. The college provides a certificate in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration preparing students for entry-level employment in this challenging HVAC industry. Combining classroom theory with hands-on lab exercises and cooperative work experiences, the program prepares students to troubleshoot and service almost all types of HVAC/R systems.
Students in this nine-month program take 42 to 45 credits of courses focusing on HVAC/R systems, heating systems, electricity, local fuel codes, the refrigeration cycle, applied thermodynamics, and more.
Graduates of the program will be able to apply proper safety procedures and techniques for servicing and troubleshooting HVAC/R systems, repair and install fossil fuel combustion systems, repair and install oil combustion and electric furnace operations, learn about safe refrigerant handling and recovery, troubleshoot various refrigeration processes, and interpret building blueprints and electrical schematics.
- Location: Coeur d’Alene, ID
- Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
- Expected Time to Completion: 9 months
- Estimated Tuition: District resident ($141.50 per credit); non-district ($215 per credit); non-resident ($364 per credit)
Lewis-Clark State College
Lewis-Clark State College offers an AAS degree program and an advanced technical certificate in heating, venting, air conditioning, and refrigeration technology providing students with the necessary training in the HVAC/R field, both commercial as well as residential. The program combines hands-on lab work with classroom theory instruction preparing students to service, troubleshoot, and repair HVAc/R systems.
The AAS degree consists of 68 credits while the certificate comprises 55 credits. The curriculum includes courses such as heating systems, hydronic systems, mechanical systems maintenance, basic electricity, refrigeration theory, advanced HVAC/R controls, duct fabrication, and A/C system design and installation.
At the end of the program, graduates can pursue opportunities such as HVAC installer, A/C technician, HVAC mechanic, commercial refrigeration technician, service technician, and many such roles.
- Location: Lewiston, ID
- Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities; HVAC Excellence
- Expected Time to Completion: AAS (24 months); certificate (less than a year)
- Estimated Tuition: $356 per credit