Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Port St. Lucie, FL
Aspiring apprentices who prefer to attend a school should select an accredited institution. Accreditation is how the school’s program, including the curriculum and instructors, has been evaluated for quality. HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) accredit HVAC programs.
HVAC Excellence has accredited the following Florida schools:
- Lively Technical College, Tallahassee, FL
- Palm Beach State College, Lake Worth, FL
- Suncoast Technical College, Sarasota, FL
- Suncoast Technical Education Center, Brooksville, FL
- Traviss Technical Center, Lakeland, FL
- Withlacoochee Technical College, Inverness, FL
PAHRA has accredited the Osceola Technical College, Kissimmee, FL.
The profiles below include Palm Beach State College and Osceola Technical College.
Florida Career College
FCC has campuses throughout Florida. The closest to Port St. Lucie are in Boynton Beach and West Palm Beach. Students may earn a diploma as an HVAC technician at both campuses. Courses are taught on campus and online.
The curriculum includes basic electricity, motors, controls, basic refrigeration theory and application, air conditioning, troubleshooting, heat pump systems, heating systems, boilers, duct design, blueprint reading, load calculation, commercial refrigeration systems, specialized commercial equipment, green awareness, regulation, building automation, and electrical and mechanical troubleshooting. The coursework is divided between classroom lectures and hands-on practice in the lab. Students are prepared to take the EPA Section 608 and the Universal R410A certification exams. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level positions as technicians.
- Location: Boynton Beach, FL; West Palm Beach, FL
- Accreditation: Council on Occupational Education
- Tuition: $21,500
- Program length: Ten months
Fortis Institute
Fortis, a privately owned school, offers its HVAC/R diploma program in several cities, including Port St. Lucie. Students learn through classroom lectures and hands-on practice in the lab.
The curriculum includes thermodynamics, electricity, HVAC/R controls, motors and motor controls, refrigerant, residential air conditioning, commercial air conditioning, commercial refrigeration, industrial refrigeration, electric heat, heat pumps, gas heat, regional systems, HVAC system performance, water-based heating, HVAC troubleshooting, service calls, and EPA certification preparation. Graduates are qualified for entry-level employment as technicians in a variety of positions.
- Location: Port St. Lucie, FL
- Accreditation: Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools; Licensed by Florida Department of Education Commission for Independent Education
- Tuition: $18,350
- Program length: One year
Indian River State College
The college offers two HVAC certificates: residential air conditioning refrigeration and heating systems assistant; and air conditioning refrigeration and heating systems technology. Students may also obtain an HVAC/R technology degree.
The residential HVAC/R system assistant certificate curriculum includes principles of HVAC/R, electricity, and heat pumps for 12 credit hours. Students in the HVAC/R system technology certificate program complete the same coursework as the assistant program and add classes in applied electricity, heat, heating and cooling load calculations, and HVAC service management. They earn their certificate after 24 credits.
Students seeking a degree complete all the coursework in the certificate programs. They also complete additional technical curriculum that includes control systems, refrigerant recovery and reclaim, components of refrigeration, duct systems, light commercial refrigeration, R410A certification, green mechanical awareness certification, alternative energy applied to HVAC, geothermal energy for the home certification, HVAC/R cooperative work experience, automotive HVAC, and energy in building design. Additionally, to earn their degree they must take general education coursework that includes English composition, humanities/fine arts, mathematics, natural science, social/behavioral science, and quantitative reasoning or intermediate algebra, for a total of 64 credits.
- Location: Fort Pierce, FL
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Tuition: $103.83 per credit
- Program length: certificates vary, degree one year
Osceola Technical College
OTech offers an HVAC/R technology certificate. The coursework is divided into sections, so that students completing each section have Occupational Completion Points (OCP) that will qualify them to seek employment. The coursework includes classroom lectures followed by hands-on training in the lab. Students may attend full-time or part-time. Classes are available mornings, afternoons, and evenings.
The HVAC 1 section includes the following coursework: Introduction to HVAC/R, HVAC/R fundamentals, and HVAC/R service principles. It takes nine months to complete. The curriculum for the HVAC 2 section includes intermediate service practices, advanced service practices, and advanced commercial and industrial service practices. It takes seven months to complete. Graduates are prepared to take industry exams, such as NATE, OSHA, EPA Section 608, and CPR certification, and seek entry-level employment.
- Location: Kissimmee, FL
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Council on Occupational Education
- Tuition: $5,500
- Program length: 16 months
Palm Beach State College
The college offers two HVAC career certificate programs: HVAC/R technician and residential HVAC technician. Students in both programs attend classroom lectures and gain hands-on training with up-to-date equipment in the lab.
The residential HVAC residential technician certificate curriculum includes HVAC/R helper 1 and 2, HVAC/R mechanic assistant 1 and 2, and HVAC/R mechanic 1 and 2. It takes 30 weeks to complete the nine credits.
The HVAC/R technician certificate program includes the coursework required for the residential technician certificate. Students complete additional coursework, including HVAC/R mechanic assistant 3 and 4, and HVAC/R heating technician 1, 2, and 3. Students enrolled in the daytime track take 45 weeks to complete the program. Those in the evening track take 70 weeks. Both tracks are 22 credit hours.
- Location: Lake Worth, FL
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- Tuition: $83.40 per credit
- Program length: As noted above
Port St. Lucie students who cannot attend one of the profiled schools may find that an online institution will better fit their needs. More information on accredited programs is available at online HVAC training.