Accredited HVAC Schools in Jacksonville, FL
Accreditation is a process by which an independent agency evaluates the quality of the curriculum and the instructors. When choosing a school, it is essential to determine if it is accredited, and if so, what agency accredited it. Certain standards must be met before accreditation is granted.
Two main organizations evaluate and accredit HVAC programs: HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA). Both organizations have granted accreditation to various Florida programs, but as of this writing (November 2021), neither has accredited a program in the Jacksonville area. That said, the following programs have regional accreditation from established entities.
Florida Career College
Florida Career College, a vocational school, offers a hands-on training program that prepares students for entry-level HVAC jobs. This HVAC diploma prepares students for troubleshooting, maintaining, installing, and repairing residential HVAC systems. Students in this program are prepared for two optional HVAC Certifications: the EPA Section 608 and the Universal R-410A Safety Training & Certification.
The curriculum includes instruction in basic electricity, motors, and HVAC controls; air conditioning, troubleshooting, and heat pump systems; basic refrigeration theory and application; heating systems and boilers; duct design, blueprint reading, and load calculation; commercial refrigeration systems; and specialized commercial equipment and green awareness.
Students learn through a combination of coursework and time spent in the lab. At the end of the program, graduates can pursue opportunities such as HVAC technicians, service technicians, air conditioning technicians, HVAC mechanics, HVAC specialists, refrigeration technicians, and refrigeration mechanics.
- Location: Jacksonville, FL
- Accreditation: Commission of the Council on Occupational Education
- Expected Time to Completion: 10 months
- Estimated Tuition: $21,500
Florida State College at Jacksonville
The Florida State College at Jacksonville offers a workforce certificate that prepares students for HVAC employment. Students learn through classroom instruction that includes current theories of HVAC/R and electrical systems, and through hands-on training in labs that teach the basics of piping and brazing, setting up HVAC systems, adjustment, and troubleshooting.
Comprising 1,350 clock hours, the curriculum includes classwork and labs in the following subjects: air conditioning and refrigeration theory; basic electricity and schematics; applied electricity and schematics, piping; HVAC controls; applied heating; and refrigeration controls. Graduates may be qualified to take the apprentice certification test.
- Location: Jacksonville, FL
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Expected Time to Completion: 12 months
- Estimated Tuition: $3,942
Tulsa Welding School
The Tulsa Welding School offers a refrigeration technologies program that includes HVAC training. Trains students in the fundamentals of HVAC/R, this hands-on training program prepares them for job opportunities as entry-level technicians in refrigeration service and maintenance.
The faculty of the program includes expert instructors who train students in the knowledge and skills necessary for becoming valuable refrigeration technicians who know how to maintain and service HVAC/R equipment.
Students complete coursework and hands-on experience in the fundamentals of electricity, the fundamentals of refrigeration, commercial and residential climate control systems, commercial and residential refrigeration, and advanced troubleshooting. Classes are available in the evening and well as during the day.
On successful completion of the program, graduates can take up roles such as refrigeration technicians, commercial refrigeration installers, HVAC/R service technicians, HVAC/R installation technicians, refrigeration service technicians, and commercial transportation refrigeration troubleshooters.
- Location: Jacksonville, FL
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
- Expected Time to Completion: Seven months
- Estimated Tuition: Non-military students ($14,523); military students ($13,071)
Jones Technical Institute
J-Tech Institute, a nonprofit institution, offers an HVAC/R program that provides hands-on training to students. The program is focused on the understanding of HVAC systems, effective repair methods, logical diagnostic procedures, and much more. With real-world HVAC training, students will develop the technical knowledge and business acumen desired by employers.
As part of the program, students will delve into topics such as HVAC-R systems design; electrical systems AC & DC; fabrication & duct design; direct digital control systems; motor controls; residential and commercial HVAC-R; piping systems; and transport HVAC-R.
Upon program completion, graduates will be able to enter the industry as entry-level HVAC-R technicians in several different industries. They can take up roles such as residential installation helpers, residential installation lead installers, residential and light commercial installers, commercial maintenance technicians, and industrial refrigeration technicians, among many such roles.
- Location: Jacksonville, FL
- Accreditation: The Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Expected Time to Completion: Less than 12 months
- Estimated Tuition: $33,943
Please note that the schools charge for books, supplies, and other fees in addition to tuition.