Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Hialeah, FL
Workers choosing to attend a school should select an accredited institution. Accreditation means that an independent agency has evaluated the school’s program’s quality, including the curriculum and the instructors. HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) accredit HVAC programs.
HVAC Excellence has accredited the following Florida schools:
- Lively Technical College, Tallahassee, FL
- Palm Beach State College, Lake Worth, FL
- Suncoast Technical College, Sarasota, FL
- Suncoast Technical Education Center, Brooksville, FL
- Traviss Technical Center, Lakeland, FL
- Withlacoochee Technical College, Inverness, FL
PAHRA has accredited the Osceola Technical Center, Kissimmee, FL.
Although all the accredited schools require a commute for Hialeah students, Palm Beach College and Osceola Technical Center are profiled below due to their accreditation. Other reputable agencies have accredited the remaining schools.
Note: The information in this article was compiled in July 2022, when pandemic restrictions were in a state of flux. The profiled schools may have temporarily suspended classes or are offering online options. Please direct questions about timing and format to the school administration.
CBT Technology Institute
CBT offers an HVAC/R technician diploma program and an HVAC/R technology degree program. Both programs are currently available at the Hialeah and Miami campuses. Coursework in both programs is presented in English and Spanish and combines classroom lectures and hands-on training.
Coursework for the diploma program includes the following: HVAC fundamentals, electricity fundamentals, HVAC/R electrical systems, servicing and troubleshooting HVAC systems, air distribution system and ductwork, electric motors applications, controls, and troubleshooting, servicing and troubleshooting commercial refrigeration systems, and blueprints and design codes. Students complete 24 credit hours and are qualified to seek entry-level positions as technicians.
Students enrolled in the degree program complete all the diploma curriculum. They then add the following technical coursework: HVAC automatic controls, heating systems, chillers and commercial AC systems, estimating HVAC/R projects, specialized commercial refrigeration systems, HVAC systems design, and energy efficiency in buildings and construction codes.
They also complete general education coursework that includes principles of college algebra, English composition, US history, fundamentals of physics, and speech. They are awarded their degree at the completion of 60 credit hours. Graduates are eligible to take the county certifications as journeymen if they meet the other requirements.
- Location: Cutler Bay, FL; Hialeah, FL; Miami, FL
- Accreditation: Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS)
- Tuition: $498.00 per credit
- Program length: Diploma, eight to 12 months; degree, two years
Futura Career Institute
Futura offers an HVAC/R technician diploma program. The coursework is presented in classroom lectures and hands-on experience in a fully equipped lab. The program is taught only in the evenings and is available in English and Spanish. Students are required to wear a uniform and act professionally.
The curriculum includes basic principles of refrigeration, Freon and temperature-pressure relationships, charging window units and refrigerators, servicing commercial equipment, principles of electricity, electric motors, motor starting devices, electrical troubleshooting of hermetic compressors, air distribution and balance, central systems, gas and electric heating, heat pumps, ice machines, and refrigerant. Graduates are qualified to take the EPA Section 608 exam and seek entry-level employment.
- Location: Hialeah, FL
- Accreditation: Commission of the Council on Occupational Education (COE)
- Tuition: $7,500
- Program length: 36 weeks
Osceola Technical College
Osceola Technical College offers two certificate programs: HVAC/R technology 1 and HVAC/R technology 2. Both programs are available on a full-time or part-time basis. The full-time track is taught in the mornings and evenings. The part-time track is available in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings. Students in both programs must wear a navy polo shirt and blue work pants uniform.
The HVAC/R 1 curriculum includes an introduction to HVAC/R, HVAC/R fundamentals, and HVAC/R service practices. Each course takes 250 hours, for a total of 750 hours to earn the certificate. The HVAC/R coursework includes HVAC/R intermediate service practices and HVAC/R advanced service practices or HVAC/R advanced commercial and industrial services practices, for a total of 600 credit hours. Credits may be transferred to a degree program.
Graduates are qualified to sit for industry exams, including NATE, EPA Section 608, OSHA, and CPR. Certifications such as these increase a technician’s employability.
- Location: Kissimmee, FL
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Council on Occupational Education (COE)
- Tuition: $5,050 for both
- Program length: HVAC 1, nine months; HVAC 2, seven months
Palm Beach State College
PBSC offers an HVAC/R career certificate program. Students learn through classroom lectures and hands-on experience in a lab with various up-to-date equipment.
The coursework progresses from HVAC helper 1 and 2; to HVAC mechanic assistant 1 and 2; to HVAC mechanic 1, 2, 3, 4; to HVAC technician 1, 2, 3. The complete program takes 1,350 credit hours to complete. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level positions as technicians.
- Location: Lake Worth, FL
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)
- Tuition: $3,753
- Program length: One to two years
Hialeah students who are unable to attend one of the above schools may find that online institutions can better meet their needs. More information on accredited programs is available at online HVAC training.