Accredited HVAC Schools in Hartford, CT
When selecting a school, students should ensure that they choose one that is accredited. Schools receive accreditation through a process by which an independent agency evaluates its curriculum and instructors. HVAC programs are accredited by two industry organizations: HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA). To date, neither has accredited a Connecticut program. The schools profiled below are accredited by other reputable agencies.
Note: The information in this article was compiled in September 2020 during the “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” restrictions. The schools profiled below have temporarily suspended classes or are transitioning to online options to comply with the restrictions. Questions as to timing and format should be directed to the school administration.
Industrial Management & Training Institute
Students at IMTI can attend the HVAC technician program during the day or the evening. The curriculum is presented via classroom lectures and hands-on training and includes technical and non-technical subjects.
The technical curriculum includes HVAC introductory coursework, construction and trade math, tools, drawings, rigging, material handling, electricity, air distribution, piping, soldering and brazing, compressors, refrigerants, metering devices, heat pumps, maintenance, chimneys, vents, and flues, duct systems, hydronics, wiring, controls and motors, troubleshooting, steam systems, retail, commercial, and industrial refrigeration, water treatment, air quality, energy conservation, system management, system design, system startup and shutdown, solar thermal, alternative HVAC equipment, and mechanical codes. Non-technical coursework includes communication skills, employment skills, customer relations, and crew leadership.
Graduates are qualified to seek employment as HVAC/R apprentices. They are also qualified to seek employment in other HVAC industry positions, such as troubleshooters, or they may become self-employed as contractors.
- Location: Waterbury, CT
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Tuition: $19,635
- Program Length: Day program 39 weeks; evening program 78 weeks
Lincoln Technical Institute
Lincoln Tech has three campuses in Connecticut. The East Windsor and New Britain campuses offer an HVAC/R technology diploma program. Green technology is emphasized in the coursework. Students learn via classroom lectures and hands-on practice in the lab, but there are differences in the curriculum between the campuses. Both prepare students to seek entry-level employment.
The East Windsor curriculum includes basic and trade math, the fundamentals of refrigeration, heating systems fundamentals, electricity, controls, domestic, commercial, and special refrigeration, air conditioning, heat pumps, oil burners, reading blueprints, system design and layout, heating and cooling systems, brazing, soldering, pipe cutting, hydronics and steam heating, energy efficiency and green technology, mechanical codes and standards, sheet metal theory, and OSHA 30 exam preparation.
The New Britain curriculum includes an introduction to climate control systems, electricity, controls, HVAC/R systems, system performance verification, air conditioning design and layout, commercial refrigeration, testing, adjusting, and balance verification, energy efficiency, and green technology systems.
Students will also have out-of-class assignments to complete. Graduates are prepared to take several industry exams, including OSHA 30, EPA 608, 410A universal, heat load analyst, energy auditor, and green awareness.
- Location: East Windsor, New Britain, CT
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Tuition: East Windsor $28,028; New Britain $26,928
- Program Length: East Windsor day and evening programs, 52 weeks; New Britain day program 52 weeks, evening program 80 weeks
Porter and Chester Institute
PCI offers an HVAC/R program with early day, mid-day, and evening schedules at four campuses within an easy commute from Hartford. Students learn through classroom lectures, practice in the lab on residential and commercial equipment, and the use of analytical equipment.
The curriculum includes electrical and mechanical for oil and gas, trade skills, hydronics, control systems, refrigeration, piping, HVAC, and design principles. Graduates are qualified for entry-level positions in the HVAC/R industry.
- Location: Hamden, Rocky Hill, Stratford, Waterbury, CT
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
- Tuition: Early day $27,570; mid-day $25,078; evening $28,630
- Program Length: Early day and mid-day programs, 12 months; evening program, 18 months
Hartford workers who are unable to attend on-campus or local schools may find that online institutions can better meet their needs. More information on accredited programs is available at online HVAC training.