Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in San Fernando Valley
When choosing a school, it is essential to determine if it is accredited and by which organization. Accreditation is a process in which an independent agency evaluates the quality of the program, which includes both the curriculum and the instructors.
Two organizations evaluate and certify HVAC programs. HVAC Excellence has accredited five California schools, including three within an hour’s drive from San Fernando Valley. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has accredited one California school, which also has the HVAC Excellence accreditation. The schools are included in the following profiles.
Brownson Technical School
Brownson offers two HVAC and HVAC/R technology tracks. Both feature “blended” curricula. Hands-on training in a fully-equipped lab and some coursework are completed on-campus. The remaining coursework is taught online. One track is designed to teach core skills to those new to the trade. The other is for students already working as technicians who wish to obtain further training and certification.
Graduates receive an undergraduate certificate and are prepared to take industry competence tests. They are prepared to work as technicians on residential, commercial, and industrial installations.
Comprising 40 credits each, these programs include courses such as basic thermodynamics, refrigeration, and copper works, commercial refrigeration, electrical, residential & light commercial air conditioning and gas heat, direct digital controls, controls, heat pumps, and ice machines, and building performance.
- Location: Anaheim, CA
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
- Format: On-campus and online
- Expected Time to Completion: Day and blended programs (40 weeks); evening program (88 weeks)
- Estimated Tuition: $17,220
Cypress College
This school offers several HVAC and HVAC certificates as well as a degree program. Students may take some coursework online. The resource center has computers for use in online studies for students without computers or internet access at home. Students complete 12 to 40 credits, depending on the certificate chosen.
Certificate programs include air conditioning and refrigeration, air conditioning and refrigeration project management, air conditioning codes and estimating, air conditioning customer service, commercial air conditioning, commercial refrigeration, heat pump, and HVAC building commissioning, among others.
Students may complete advanced work to earn their associate degree. The degree requires the completion of the air conditioning and refrigeration certificate program and additional general education for a minimum of 67 credits for graduation. All coursework is divided between classroom lectures and hands-on training. Students also complete several special projects.
Coursework includes the principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer, air conditioning, piping practice, tools and safety, blueprints and dimension analysis, refrigeration certification training, technician customer relations, electricity for air conditioning and refrigeration, gas heat transfer systems, sustainability design and application, commercial refrigeration, introduction to air conditioning controls, and commercial air conditioning. As students advance, they learn about refrigeration technology, absorption systems, chillers & cooling towers, air handlers, energy management, and direct digital controls.
- Location: Cypress, CA
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges
- Format: On-campus and online
- Expected Time to Completion: Certificate (one to four semesters); degree (two years)
- Estimated Tuition: Residents ($46 per credit); non-residents of the state of California ($285 per credit)
Los Angeles Trade Technical College
LATTC offers a certificate and an associate degree in heating, ventilating, air conditioning (HVAC) & refrigeration. Students may meet the requirements of either program by attending day classes or evening classes. Some coursework is available online. The certificate program requires the completion of 48 credits, while the associate program requires at least 60 credits.
Students in both programs complete coursework covering the fundamentals, principles, and mechanics of air conditioning and refrigeration; trade math; pipe and tube joining; electrical circuits and controls; refrigeration service; refrigerants; gas heating; and indoor air quality. Electives include contractor’s license law, project management, HVAC/R mechanical codes, refrigeration efficiency, gas heating, and industry exam preparation.
Students wishing to earn an associate degree must complete additional courses in general education electives. Graduates are prepared to seek employment as residential, commercial, and industrial technicians.
Graduates will be able to repair and maintain HVAC/R systems, analyze the proper operation of HVAC/R systems, certify the proper and efficient operation of HVAC/R systems, and use appropriate test instruments and tools effectively and safely.
- Location: Los Angeles, CA
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior College, Western Association of Schools and Colleges
- Format: On-campus and online
- Expected Time to Completion: Certificate (12 to 18 months); degree (two years)
- Estimated Tuition: Residents ($46 per unit); Non residents ($289 per unit)
Mt. San Antonio College
Mt. San Antonio offers air conditioning and refrigeration technology certificates and degree programs. Classes are available days and evenings and are designed to prepare students for employment within one year. Some coursework may be completed online. Combining hands-on experience with classroom knowledge, these programs provide students with the knowledge and skill about HVAC systems, including troubleshooting components, properly disposing of refrigerants, and performing residential heat loads.
Students enrolled in the certificate program complete 31.5 credits of coursework in technical math, welding, codes and standards, fundamentals of refrigeration and electricity, gas heating, heat load calculations & design, the properties and measurement of air, commercial electrical for HVAc/R, and commercial systems. Students seeking a degree can complete the same coursework, as well as general education electives. The associate of science (AS) degree is made up of 61.5 credits.
Students in both programs spend time in labs learning how to read schematic drawings and circuits, operate equipment, and use computer software to design duct systems, perform load calculations, and building automation mockups.
- Location: Walnut, CA
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence, PAHRA, Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
- Format: On-campus and online Schools
- Expected Time to Completion: Certificate (one year); Degree (two years)
- Estimated Tuition: Residents ($46 per credit); Non-residents ($334 per credit)
Newport International United Corporation
NIU college offers an advanced HVAC technology program providing students with working knowledge about the cooling and heating cycles and the fundamental principles of electrical systems and controls associated with HVAC systems. Graduates will earn several certifications such as the EPA section 608 certificate, R-410 A safety certificate, HVAC Excellence air-Conditioning and heat pump certification, and OSHA 10 hour certificate.
This 220-hour program includes courses such as basic safety, introduction to the HVAC trade, copper and plastic piping practices, soldering and brazing, ferrous metal piping, basic electricity, introduction to cooling & heating, and air distribution systems, among others.
Upon successful completion, students will be prepared in installing, repairing, cleaning, and maintaining HVAC systems, inspecting and testing HVAC systems and components, installing electrical components and wiring, repairing or replacing defective parts, and keeping records of work performed.
- Location: Woodland Hills, CA
- Accreditation: N/A; approved by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
- Format: On-campus
- Expected Time to Completion: 11 weeks
- Estimated Tuition: $12,999.50