Accredited HVAC Schools in Ontario, CA
Workers who prefer to obtain their training by attending a school should be sure to select an accredited institution. Accreditation means that an independent agency has evaluated the curriculum and instructors of the institution for quality. Two industry organizations are responsible for accrediting HVAC and HVAC/R programs.
The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has accredited Mount San Antonio College in Walnut, CA. HVAC Excellence has accredited the following:
- Brownson Technical School, Anaheim, CA
- Cypress College, Cypress, CA
- Mount San Antonio, Walnut, CA
- North American Training Center, Redlands, CA
All the above schools require Ontario students to commute. However, the profiles below include Mount San Antonio College and North American Training Center as they are the closest to Ontario. Other reputable agencies have accredited the remaining schools.
Center for Employment Training
CET offers an HVAC and green technology training program at several campuses, with Colton being the closest to Ontario. The curriculum for the 900-hour program is presented via classroom lectures and hands-on practice in a lab equipped with residential and commercial systems.
The coursework includes HVAC safety and tools; mathematics; pipefitting, brazing, and soldering; electricity; green HVAC technology; duct work; refrigeration and recovery; and heating, among others. Graduates are prepared to take industry exams, including the EPA 608 and ESCO’s Green Awareness. CET provides job placement assistance to graduates.
- Location: Colton, CA
- Accreditation: Council on Occupational Education
- Expected Time to Completion: Eight to nine months
Chaffee College
Chaffee College offers two HVAC/R certificate programs. Both are currently available only at the Chino campus. The curriculum for the Level I certificate includes the basics of HVAC/R; air distribution systems; basic copper and piping practices; electrical systems; refrigerants; heat pumps; soldering and brazing; and troubleshooting.
The Level II certificate program coursework continues with subjects that include gas heat; electric, oil, and hydronic heating; HVAC DCC, pneumatic, and building automation controls; advanced commercial and solar systems; and advanced HVAC/R. Graduates are qualified to seek positions as HVAC/R assistants.
- Location: Chino, CA
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
- Expected Time to Completion: Each certificate takes one term
InterCoast College
ICC, a private institution, offers an HVAC certificate program at several campuses, including the Riverside campus. Students may opt for a hybrid option, attending only the hands-on lab training on campus.
The curriculum takes 720 hours to complete and includes introductory trades; construction math and safety; electrical theory; refrigeration components and applications; heating systems; air conditioning; heat pumps; air distribution and installation; and EPA 608. Graduates are prepared to seek employment as HVAC mechanics and installers.
- Location: Riverside, CA
- Accreditation: Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training
- Expected Time to Completion: Nine months
Mount San Antonio College
Mt. Sac offers an HVAC/R certificate program and an HVAC/R degree program. Students learn through a combination of classroom lectures and hands-on practice in a state-of-the-art lab. Coursework is available during the day and in the evenings. Both programs prepare graduates to seek employment as HVAC/R technicians.
The certificate program curriculum includes technical math; welding; refrigeration fundamentals; electricity fundamentals; HVAC codes and standards; gas heating; heat load calculation and design; air properties and measurement; and commercial systems, for 31.5 units.
Students enrolled in the degree program complete all the technical curriculum included in the certificate program. They add general education coursework that includes math competency, composition, public speaking, arts and humanities, lifelong understanding, ethnic studies, history/political science, science, and physical education. They are awarded their degree after completing 64 units.
- Location: Walnut, CA
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence, PAHRA, Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
- Expected Time to Completion: Certificate one year; degree two years
North American Training Center
NATC, a technical school, offers an HVAC/R, electricity, and control technology certificate program. The coursework is presented in classroom lectures, followed by hands-on practice in the lab. The curriculum includes electricity; commercial and industry buildings; gas, hydronic, and heat pump heating; HVAC/R controls; technical discovery; and directed study.
Passing the EPA 608 and other specified industry exams are prerequisites for graduation. Students may attend daytime or evening classes, and graduates are eligible for career assistance.
- Location: Redlands, CA
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence
- Expected Time to Completion: 624 hours
San Joaquin Valley College
SJVC is not currently enrolling students in the HVAC/R degree program, however, the HVAC/R certificate program is available at several campuses, including Ontario. The curriculum includes subjects such as HVAC systems theory and applications; refrigeration theory and applications; electricity theory and applications; advanced electricity; advanced HVAC; advanced refrigeration; and air distribution systems. Students complete a total of 40 units to receive a certificate of completion. Graduates are qualified to sit for industry exams, including the EPA Section 608 exam.
- Location: Ontario, CA
- Accreditation: WASC Senior College and University Commission
- Expected Time to Completion: Ten months
UEI, a private school, offers an HVAC diploma program at several campuses, including in Ontario. The coursework is presented in classroom lectures and hands-on practice in a fully equipped lab.
The curriculum prepares students to take industry exams and seek employment in various HVAC-related careers with coursework that includes electricity, motors, and controls; refrigeration theory and application; air conditioning, troubleshooting, and heat pumps; heating systems; duct design, blueprint reading, and load calculation; commercial refrigeration systems; specialized commercial equipment and green awareness; regulation and building automation; and electrical and mechanical troubleshooting.
- Location: Ontario, CA
- Accreditation: Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training
- Expected Time to Completion: Ten months