Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Modesto, California
Workers choosing to attend a school should select an accredited institution. Accreditation means that an independent agency evaluates the quality of the school’s program, including the curriculum and the instructors. HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) accredit HVAC programs.
HVAC Excellence has accredited the following California schools:
- Brownson Technical School, Anaheim, CA
- Cypress College, Cypress, CA
- North American Training Center, Redlands, CA
PAHRA has accredited Mount San Antonio College, Walnut, CA
Mount San Antonio College is included in the profiles below due to its accreditation. Attending it would probably require Modesto students to relocate, as the commute is too long to be practical.
Other reputable agencies have accredited the remaining schools.
DeHart Technical School
DeHart is a privately owned institution currently offering four training programs. Students learn through classroom lectures and hands-on practice in the lab. Class size is limited to 20 students, and the coursework is available during days and evenings to accommodate employed students. Specific coursework may be completed remotely. The programs include:
- Facilities Maintenance HVAC Course 1 (six months, $7,435)
- HVAC/R Facilities Maintenance Course 3 (12 months, $17,990)
- Advanced Training Module (two months, $2,700)
- Refrigeration Practices, EPA & Brazing (one month, tuition TBD)
The HVAC/Facilities Maintenance Course 2 program is not currently available. When the program is available, it takes three months to complete, and the tuition is $13,860.
The Facilities Maintenance HVAC Course 1 curriculum includes HVAC electrical applications, refrigeration practices, EPA, wiring diagrams, troubleshooting, gas and electric heating, and residential and light commercial electrical and plumbing. Students enrolled in the HVAC/R Facilities Maintenance Course 3 build on the basics from the Course 1 curriculum with advanced coursework that includes electrical, plumbing, and refrigeration. They also complete additional coursework in HVAC installation and preparation for NATE (North American Technical Excellence) certification.
The Advanced Training Module curriculum includes basic refrigeration, components of commercial and special refrigeration applications, evaluation of refrigeration systems, low-temp refrigerant equipment, ice machines, ice machine components, ice machine sequence of operation and ice production, and ice machine cleaning, sanitizing, and troubleshooting. The Refrigeration Practices, EPA & Brazing program includes coursework relevant to refrigeration management.
- Location: Modesto, CA
- Accreditation: Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training
- Tuition: Noted above
- Program length: Noted above
Institute of Technology
The Institute of Technology is a private vocational school that offers an HVAC diploma program. Students are taught via classroom lectures and hands-on training in labs. As of the date of this writing, the school is offering the program on a hybrid basis. Students are advised to consult with an admissions representative regarding their options for specific classes.
The curriculum includes HVAC fundamentals, an introduction to HVAC concepts, basic HVAC/R, advanced HVAC/R, EPA regulations and preparation for the universal certification exam, and professional development. Graduates are qualified to seek employment as entry-level HVAC technicians.
- Location: Clovis/Fresno, CA; Modesto, CA
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges: Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training
- Tuition: $20,727.50
- Program length: 40 weeks
Mount San Antonio College
Students enrolled at Mt. SAC may select from an HVAC certificate program and an HVAC degree program. Both programs are based on classroom lectures followed by hands-on training in the lab. Graduates are prepared to seek entry-level positions as technicians.
Enrollees choosing the certificate program complete the following coursework: HVAC/R technical mathematics, HVAC/R welding, A/C codes and standards, refrigeration fundamentals, HVAC/R electricity, gas heating, heat load calculations and design, commercial HVAC/R, air properties and measurement, and commercial systems. They are awarded their certificate after 31.5 units.
Students enrolled in the degree program complete the same technical coursework as those in the certificate program. In addition, they complete general education coursework that includes public speaking, composition, arts, humanities, lifelong understanding, political science, physical education, and science. They receive their degree after 65.5 to 68.5 units.
- Location: Walnut, CA
- Accreditation: PAHRA, Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
- Tuition: $46 per unit
- Program length: Certificate (one year); degree (two years)
UEI College
UEI, a private school, offers an HVAC technician training program at its Stockton campus. Coursework is divided between classroom lectures and hands-on training. The curriculum includes basic electricity, motors, and HVAC controls, refrigeration theory and application, HVAC troubleshooting, heat pump systems, heating systems, duct design, reading blueprints, load calculation, commercial refrigeration systems, specialized commercial refrigeration, green awareness, regulations, building automation, and electrical and mechanical troubleshooting.
Students are prepared to take the EPA Section 608 exam and the R-410-A certification exam. Graduates are qualified to seek employment as HVAC/R technicians.
- Location: Stockton, CA
- Accreditation: Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training
- Tuition: $21,500
- Program length: Ten months
Modesto students who cannot attend one of the above schools may find that online institutions can better meet their needs. More information on accredited programs is available at online HVAC training.