Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Peoria, Arizona
Aspiring technicians who plan to obtain their training from a school rather than participate in an apprenticeship program should select an accredited institution. Accreditation is the process by which an independent agency evaluates the program’s quality, including the curriculum and the instructors. HVAC programs are evaluated by HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA). HVAC Excellence has not yet accredited an Arizona program. PAHRA has accredited Gateway Community College, Phoenix. Other reputable agencies have accredited the additional schools profiled below.
Carrington College
Carrington College has numerous campuses in several states, including Arizona. The closest one to Peoria is in Phoenix. Students may earn an HVAC/R certificate which prepares them for entry-level employment. The coursework is presented via classroom lectures and hands-on training in the lab. The curriculum includes theory and application of HVAC/R, electricity, advanced HVAC/R, advanced electricity, and air distribution systems. The certificate is awarded after 40 credit-hours.
Graduates may transfer their credits to Carrington’s online trades studies program to earn an associate degree. They must complete 30 credit-hours of general education coursework, including English writing and composition, mathematics, psychology, sociology, ethics, technical writing, interpersonal communication, environmental science, critical thinking, and algebra.
- Location: Phoenix, AZ
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
- Estimated Tuition: Certificate $20,394; degree $11,230
- Estimated Program Length: Certificate (40 weeks); degree (70 weeks)
Gateway Community College
Gateway offers HVAC certificate programs and a degree program. All programs include classroom lectures and hands-on practice in a fully equipped lab featuring modern equipment.
Students interested in automotive air conditioning may choose the air conditioning and electrical accessories certificate program. The curriculum includes automotive electrical systems, air conditioning, quick service, and electrical/electronic systems II. They earn their certificate after 18 credit-hours.
The HVAC residential installation and service technician certificate program is taught only in the evenings. The coursework includes construction safety, hand and power tools, equipment and workspace, construction calculations, construction drawings, electrical systems, residential HVAC systems, HVAC installation, and HVAC troubleshooting. The coursework takes 23.5 to 29.5 credit-hours to complete.
Completing the above certificate is a prerequisite for the HVAC/R and facilities technology certificate. Students then complete additional coursework that includes motors, controls and wiring diagrams, electro-mechanical devices, facilities and air conditioning systems, controls and instrumentation, codes, and commercial air and water test and balance. The certificate takes an additional 22 credit-hours, for a total of 44.5 to 51.5. The program may not always be available.
The HVAC/R and facilities technology degree program includes all the above coursework and Section 608 certification preparation. It then adds general education requirements, which include English composition, introduction to communications, critical reading, mathematical concepts and application, chemistry or physics, humanities/fine arts, and social/behavioral science. The curriculum requires 68.5 to 79.5 credit-hours to complete.
- Location: Phoenix, AZ
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Higher Learning Commission
- Estimated Tuition: Lower-division $97 per credit; upper-division $145.50 per credit
- Estimated Program Length: Certificates (vary); degree (two years)
The Refrigeration School, Inc
RSI, a private institution, is an approved North American Technician Excellence (NATE) training provider and testing facility. In addition to the HVAC/R program, students may complete optional courses to prepare for NATE certification exams.
The HVAC/R diploma program is available during days and evenings. Students learn through classroom lectures and hands-on training in a modern lab. The curriculum includes fundamentals of electricity, fundamentals of refrigeration, residential and commercial comfort systems, refrigeration systems and practices, and advanced troubleshooting. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level positions as technicians.
- Location: Phoenix, AZ
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
- Estimated Tuition: $19,050
- Estimated Program Length: Days (26 weeks); evenings (38 weeks)
UEI College
UEI has more than 30 campuses, with one each in Mesa, AZ, and Phoenix, AZ. Both campuses offer an HVAC diploma program. Students are required to pass the EPA Section 608 exam as a condition of graduation. The fee for taking the exam one time is included in the tuition. The R-410A certification is not a program completion requirement but is strongly encouraged.
The curriculum includes basic electricity, motors, and HVAC controls, refrigeration theory and application, HVAC troubleshooting, heat pump systems, heating systems, duct design, reading blueprints, load calculation, commercial refrigeration systems, specialized commercial equipment, green awareness, regulations, building automation, and electrical and mechanical troubleshooting. Coursework is divided between classroom lectures and hands-on lab simulations. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level employment as HVAC technicians.
- Location: Mesa, AZ; Phoenix, AZ
- Accreditation: Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training
- Estimated Tuition: $21,500
- Estimated Program Length: 40 weeks
Peoria students who cannot attend one of the above schools may find that online institutions can better meet their needs. More information on accredited programs is available at online HVAC training.