Accredited HVAC Schools in Gilbert, AZ
Workers who want to increase their employability may choose formal training in accredited diploma, certificate, or degree programs. Accreditation is the process of evaluation of a school’s program by an independent agency. The evaluation includes both the curriculum and the instructors. It is essential to determine if an institution is accredited and which organization granted accreditation when choosing a school.
Two industry organizations evaluate and accredit HVAC programs: the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA), which has awarded accreditation to Gateway Community College in Phoenix; and HVAC Excellence, which has not currently accredited an Arizona program.
East Valley Institute of Technology
EVIT offers an HVAC/R certificate program. The curriculum is presented through classroom lectures and hands-on practice in the lab. Students receive training in the following: electrical wiring and maintenance, air distribution and balancing, electronic controls and circuits, HVAC/R installation, service, and repair, and appliance repair. Graduates are eligible to take the EPA Section 608 and NATE certification exams.
- Location: Mesa, AZ
- Accreditation: Council on Occupational Education (COE)
- Tuition: $5,400
- Program length: Ten to 12 months
Gateway Community College
Gateway offers the following HVAC programs:
- Residential and light air conditioning certificate: 22-25 credit-hours
- Air conditioning, refrigeration, and facilities certificate: 44-47.5 credit-hours
- Air conditioning, refrigeration, and facilities degree: 72-74.5 credit-hours
Coursework for all programs is divided between classroom lectures and hands-on training in the school’s labs. The residential and light air conditioning certificate includes the following courses: computer use and applications, refrigeration applications and components, electricity, load calculation and duct design, industrial and construction safety, and preparation for the EPA Section 608 exam.
The air conditioning, refrigeration, and facilities technology certificate adds the following coursework to the above: motors, controls, and wiring diagrams; instrumentation; codes, air, and water balancing; and facilities HVAC systems. The degree program includes all of the above technical coursework with the addition of general education instruction in math, humanities, composition, and communication.
- Location: Phoenix, AZ
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC); PAHRA
- Tuition: $85 per credit-hour
- Program length: Certificate (18 to 24 months); degree (two years)
The Refrigeration School, Inc.
RSI, a private school, offers an HVAC/R program during day and evening classes. Coursework is divided between classroom lectures and hands-on training in a modern lab. Instructors are able to program real-life troubleshooting problems using electronic equipment. The curriculum includes the fundamentals of electricity and refrigeration, residential and commercial HVAC systems, refrigeration systems and practices, and advanced troubleshooting.
Graduates are qualified to seek employment as entry-level technicians.
- Location: Phoenix, AZ
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
- Tuition: $15,950
- Program length: Six months
UEI College
UEI, also a private college, offers an HVAC diploma program that includes classroom lectures and hands-on practice in a lab. The curriculum includes electricity, motors, controls, refrigeration theory and application, air conditioning, troubleshooting, heat pumps, heating systems, boilers, duct design, blueprint reading, load calculations, commercial refrigeration and specialized systems, regulations, and building automation. An externship is also required to graduate. Students are prepared to take the EPA Section 608 and R-410A certification exams. The cost of taking the exams for the first time is included in the tuition.
Students are expected to wear uniforms and maintain a professional appearance at all times. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level employment as HVAC and HVAC/R technicians.
- Location: Phoenix, AZ
- Accreditation: Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training
- Tuition: $19,900
- Program length: Nine months
Gilbert students who are unable to complete an on-campus program due to work or other constraints may choose online HVAC training. More information on available programs may be found at the online HVAC training site.