Accredited HVAC Schools in Mobile, AL
It’s essential that students who choose to attend a school select an accredited institution. Accreditation is a process by which an independent agency evaluates the program’s quality, including both the curriculum and the instructors. Two industry organizations accredit HVAC programs.
HVAC Excellence has awarded accreditation to the following schools:
- Calhoun State Community College, Tanner, Al
- J. F. Drake State Community and Technical College, Huntsville, AL
- Lawson State Community College, Bessemer, AL
- Wallace State Community College, Hanceville, AL
The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has accredited the following:
- Alabama Power Company (Utility Training Facility), Jasper, AL
- Bevill State Community College, Sumiton, AL
- Gadsden State Community College, Anniston, AL
All the industry-accredited schools would require lengthy commutes for Mobile students. However, due to their accreditation, Alabama Power Company and Lawson State Community College are included in the profiles below. Other reputable agencies have accredited the remaining profiled schools.
Alabama Power Company (Utility Training Facility)
The company provides HVAC training in a state-of-the-art center. Students gain hands-on skills in fully equipped labs, computer labs, and simulators. The labs include practice with heat pumps, geothermal and water heating, split systems, and brazing. Students also learn how to rewire systems, repipe refrigeration systems, and develop their troubleshooting skills. They complete classroom work that includes load calculations, duct design, RightSuite, duct board fabrication, and blower door and duct blower testing. Students are prepared for industry exams that include Alabama HVAC/R contractor, EPA Section 608, and NATE. They may also take the exams.
Mobile students who decide to commute for training may receive a discount at specified hotels.
- Location: Jasper, AL
- Accreditation: PAHRA
- Estimated Tuition: $1,400 for each technical course. Fees for the exam review courses and the exams vary.
- Estimated Program Length: Each course is stand-alone, and each takes approximately three days to complete.
Bishop State Community College
Bishop State offers three HVAC programs: an HVAC/R technology certificate; an HVAC/R technology degree with a minor concentration in business; and an HVAC/R technology degree with a minor concentration in electrical technology.
All programs are a combination of hands-on practice in the lab and classroom studies. Graduates of each program are qualified to seek entry-level employment as technicians.
The curriculum for the certificate program includes refrigeration principles, HVAC/R service procedures, refrigeration piping practices, principles of electricity, electrical circuits, electrical components, fundamentals of gas and electrical heating systems, residential air conditioning systems, ice machines, heat pump systems, commercial refrigeration, commercial air conditioning, and refrigerants or fundamentals of propane systems. They also complete general education coursework that includes student success, English composition, and a mathematics elective for a total of 54 credit hours to earn their certificate.
Students enrolled in either of the degree programs complete all the coursework in the certificate program. They also must select 12 additional hours of technical coursework from their concentration electives. They complete additional general education electives from humanities, natural science, and history, social, or behavioral science. They are awarded their degree after 76 credit hours.
- Location: Mobile, AL
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Estimated Tuition: $176 per credit
- Estimated Program Length: Certificate one year; degree two years
Fortis College
Fortis, a privately owned institution, has four campuses in Alabama that offer an HVAC/R diploma program, including the Mobile campus. Coursework is divided between classroom lectures and hands-on practice in a fully equipped lab. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level employment.
The curriculum includes an introduction to skilled professions, thermodynamics, electricity, HVAC/R controls, motors and motor controls, refrigerants, residential air conditioning, commercial air conditioning, industrial refrigeration, electric heat, heat pumps, gas heating systems, regional systems, HVAC system performance, water-based heating, HVAC troubleshooting and service calls, and EPA Section 608 certification preparation.
- Location: Mobile, AL
- Accreditation: Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools
- Estimated Tuition: $21,352
- Estimated Program Length: One year
Lawson State Community College
Lawson offers two HVAC/R certificate programs and an HVAC/R degree program. All the programs combine classroom lectures with hands-on practice on industry-standard equipment. Graduates are qualified to seek employment as HVAC and HVAC/R technicians.
Curriculum for the short HVAC/R certificate program requires orientation, principles of refrigeration, and principles of electricity. Students then select 18 credit hours from the following electives: HVAC/R service procedures, refrigeration piping practices, fundamentals of gas heating systems, electric circuits, electrical components, computer-assisted HVAC troubleshooting, residential air conditioning, ice machines, mechanical/gas safety codes, basic drawing/blueprint reading, refrigerants, heat pump systems, special topics, HVAC apprenticeship/internship, review for contractors exam, commercial refrigeration, system sizing and air distribution, and troubleshooting. They receive their certificate after 25 credits.
Students in the full HVAC/R certificate program select 37 credits from the technical electives. They also must take the orientation, principles of refrigeration, and principles of electricity coursework. Additionally, they must complete general education electives that include English composition, career technical English, humanities and fine arts, natural science and mathematics, introductory computer skills, introduction to information systems, and microcomputer applications. They are awarded their certificate after 49 credits.
Students enrolled in the HVAC/R program must complete the full certificate program curriculum. The degree program includes an industrial electronics minor. Students select 12 credit hours from the following to meet the minor requirements: introduction to engineering technologies, commercial/industrial wiring, residential wiring, DC fundamentals, AC fundamentals, motor controls, principles of industrial mechanics, fundamentals of industrial hydraulics and pneumatics, PLCs, AC and DC machines, and blueprint reading for manufacturing. They receive their degree after 73 credits.
- Location: Bessemer, AL
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Estimated Tuition: $127 per credit
- Estimated Program Length: Certificates vary, degree two years
Remington College Mobile Campus
Remington College has campuses in several states. The Mobile campus is a branch of the Dallas, TX, campus. They offer an HVAC diploma program to Mobile students. Coursework is divided equally between classroom lectures and hands-on training in the lab.
The curriculum includes career development, refrigeration theory, fundamental HVAC maintenance, electricity, motors and motor control, residential heating, residential AC, air conditioning major components, commercial refrigeration systems, domestic appliances, cold water air conditioning, heat pumps, hydronic heating, ventilation and air flow, and hydronic systems. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level employment in the HVAC industry.
- Location: Mobile, AL
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
- Estimated Tuition: $14,565
- Estimated Program Length: One year
Mobile students who are unable to attend one of the above schools may find that online institutions can meet their needs. Information on accredited online programs is available at online HVAC training.