Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Birmingham, AL
When choosing a school, students should ensure that they select an institution that is accredited. Accreditation is a process by which an independent agency evaluates the quality of the program, including both the curriculum and the instructors. Two industry organizations accredit HVAC programs.
HVAC Excellence has awarded accreditation to the following schools:
- Calhoun State Community College – Tanner, Al
- J. F. Drake State Community and Technical College – Huntsville, AL
- Lawson State Community College – Bessemer, AL
- Wallace State Community College – Hanceville, AL
The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has accredited the following:
- Alabama Power Company (Utility Training Facility) – Jasper, AL
- Bevill State Community College – Sumiton, AL
- Gadsden State Community College – Anniston, AL
Only the schools within an hour’s commute from Birmingham are included in the profiles below.
Note: The information in this article was compiled in May 2020 during the “shelter-in-place” and “stay-home” restrictions. The schools have temporarily suspended classes or are transitioning to online options to comply with the restrictions. It is unknown at this time when classes will resume or which, if any, will be available on-campus. The profiles below indicate on-campus as per normal operations. Any questions as to timing and format should be directed to the school administration.
Alabama Power Company
The company offers HVAC Training at its new state-of-the-art center. The center features fully-equipped labs and simulators designed for troubleshooting practice. The classes and labs emphasize performance-based training.
The coursework includes troubleshooting dual-fuel heat pumps and refrigeration systems, refrigeration and HVAC operations, electrical systems, HVAC system serving, compressor, system analysis, load calculation, residential mechanical ventilation installation, computer software, and duct design, fabrication, installation, testing, and repair. Students may also complete a review course to prepare for Alabama contractors certification testing.
Depending on which courses they choose, attendees are qualified to sit for industry exams, including EPA Section 608. Not all classes are available at all times.
- Location: Jasper, AL
- Accreditation: PAHRA
- Tuition: $665 to $1,330, depending on classes selected; industry exams and review courses vary from $150 to $1,000
- Program Length: The classes are stand-alone, and each takes either two days or four days to complete.
Bevill State Community College
Bevill offers an HVAC/R technology certificate program and an HVAC/R technology degree program. The programs are currently (May 2020) available at two of the four campuses. Students should consult with their advisor regarding when/if courses are available at other campuses or online. The degree program is approved by the Alabama Board of Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration for the Alabama Contractor’s License Exam.
Curriculum for the certificate course includes the principles of refrigeration, HVAC/R service, refrigeration piping, gas heating systems, electricity and electrical circuits, electrical components, heat load calculations, residential air conditioning, refrigerants, and heat pumps. Students then select three technical electives from the following: electric heating systems, commercial heating systems, electric motors, domestic refrigeration, ice machines, drawings and blueprints, internship, contractors exam review, commercial air conditioning systems, troubleshooting, and NCCER core. Non-technical courses include English composition and math, for a total of 49 credit-hours to earn their certificate.
Degree-seeking students complete the above coursework with the addition of a fourth technical elective and non-technical courses that include natural science, history, behavioral science, humanities, and fine arts. They earn their degree at the completion of 67 to 68 credit hours.
- Location: Hamilton, AL; Sumiton, AL
- Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges; PAHRA
- Tuition: $161 per credit-hour
- Program Length: Certificate one year; degree two years
Fortis Institute
Fortis has six campuses in Alabama, including one in Birmingham, which offer an HVAC/R diploma program. Classroom lectures are supplemented with hands-on practice in a fully equipped lab.
The curriculum includes an introduction to craft skills, trade math, electricity, thermodynamics, controls and motors, residential and commercial air conditioning, commercial and industrial refrigeration, refrigerants, heat pumps, gas, oil and water-based heating systems, HVAC system performance, troubleshooting, service calls, and preparation for certification exams. Graduates are qualified to seek entry-level employment as residential and commercial HVAC and HVAC/R technicians.
- Location: Birmingham, AL
- Accreditation: Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools
- Tuition: $17,636
- Program Length: One year
Lawson State Community College
Lawson offers three HVAC/R certificate programs, as well as an HVAC/R degree program. All programs include classroom lectures combined with hands-on practice on industry-standard equipment.
Two of the certificate courses are classified as “short certificates.” Technical requirements for the first course include the principles of HVAC/R and electricity. Students then select at least six technical electives from the following: HVAC/R service, refrigeration piping, gas heating systems, electric circuits and components, troubleshooting, residential air conditioning, ice machines, mechanical/gas/safety codes, drawing and blueprints, refrigerants, heat pumps, internship, contractors license exam review, commercial refrigeration, system sizing and air distribution, and special topics. They complete 25 credit-hours to earn their certificate.
The second short certificate course is designated as a specialty certificate for major appliance repair. The coursework includes customer relations, principles of electricity, ranges, cooktops, and ovens, clothes washers and dishwashers, electric and gas dryers, refrigerants, refrigerators and freezers, and special topics. The program does not include electives and requires 25 credit-hours to complete.
The “long certificate” program incorporates the technical coursework included in the two short certificate programs and adds general education coursework that includes technical English and English composition, public speaking, technical math, algebra, computers, and information systems. Students complete 49 credit-hours to earn their certificate.
Students pursuing a degree complete all of the technical and non-technical coursework required for the certificate programs, as well as 12 credit-hours from electives that include engineering technology, commercial and industrial wiring, residential wiring, AC and DC fundamentals, motor controls, industrial mechanics, industrial hydraulics and pneumatics, PLCs, AC and DC machines, and blueprint reading for manufacturing. Their degree is awarded at the completion of 73 credit-hours.
- Location: Bessemer, AL
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Tuition: $132 per credit-hour
- Program Length: Certificates vary; degree two years
Wallace State Community College
Wallace State offers three HVAC/R certificate programs and an HVAC/R degree program. All programs include hands-on practice as well as classroom lectures. Classes are available days and evenings. Graduates will have the skills needed to seek employment as technicians. The HVAC technology and degree programs prepare students to take industry exams that increase their employability.
Two of the certificates are designated as “short.” Coursework for the refrigerant usage and handling specialist certificate consists of principles of refrigeration, service procedures, and refrigerants for a total of nine credit-hours. The electrical systems specialist certificate coursework includes principles of electricity, electrical circuits and components, and motors. It requires 12 credit-hours to complete.
The HVAC technology certificate program includes the coursework in the short programs and adds the following: refrigeration piping, electric and gas heating, technical math, heat pumps, residential air conditioning, commercial HVAC/R, troubleshooting, and English composition. Students earn their certificate when they have completed 55 credit-hours.
The degree program incorporates all of the coursework for the certificates and adds non-technical classes that include ethics, technical math, and western civilization. The program takes 65 credit-hours to complete.
- Location: Hanceville, AL
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Tuition: $160 per credit-hour
- Program Length: Short certificates four months each; HVAC technology certificate 18 to 24 months; degree two years
Birmingham students may find that online HVAC training at an accredited online school will meet their needs if they are unable to attend local on-campus programs.