From trade schools and community colleges all the way up to four-year colleges and universities, students will find numerous HVAC instructors to inspire them toward achievement. When deciding on final candidates for this top HVAC instructors list, we looked at several criteria including:
Academic achievement - Many HVAC instructors work in Departments of Mechanical Engineering at four-year schools and conduct research and study into HVAC systems while also keeping a busy schedule instructing and advising students.
Lifetime experience - Of course, not all of the HVAC instructors on this list have master's degrees or PhDs, but they do have a life time of experience building and expanding their HVAC skills, and understand first-hand the challenges that can occur in residential and commercial buildings, and leverage that experience to educate and inform their students.
Personal commitment - Several of these instructors have stories that show a deep commitment to working with and inspiring students toward success in the HVACR field.
While certain instructors on this list do not meet all three of these criteria, all have demonstrated that they go above and beyond to help prepare students for an HVAC career or for future research endeavors.