Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Overland Park, Kansas
Workers choosing to attend a school for their training should ensure that they select an accredited institution. Accreditation is the process by which the quality of the program, including the curriculum and the instructors, is evaluated by an independent agency. HVAC Excellence and the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) are industry agencies that accredit HVAC programs. HVAC Excellence has not yet accredited a Kansas school. PAHRA has accredited Johnson County Community College in Overland Park. Other reputable agencies have accredited the remaining schools.
Johnson County Community College
JCCC offers an HVAC technology certificate and an HVAC technology degree. The coursework for both programs includes classroom lectures followed by hands-on practice in the lab. Students may attend classes during the day, evening, or on weekends.
The curriculum for the students in the certificate program includes industrial safety/OSHA-30, HVAC fundamentals, electrical fundamentals, heating systems fundamentals, sheet metal layout and fabrication, workplace skills, EPA 608 refrigeration management, load calculation and duct design, cooling systems, installation and startup procedures, and advanced electricity. Students earn their certificate after 33 hours and are qualified to seek employment as HVAC technicians.
Students enrolled in the degree program first complete the certificate curriculum. They then complete the following technical coursework: HVAC rooftop units, 410-A refrigerant management, code review, introduction to plumbing, trade certification review, and an HVAC internship. They also complete general education coursework that includes composition, social science, economics, mathematics, communication, and humanities. They are awarded their degree after 63 hours. Graduates are qualified to take industry exams that include EPA 608, OSHA-30, and NATE industry certification.
- Location: Overland Park, KS
- Accreditation: PAHRA, Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $97 per credit for Johnson County residents; $116 per credit for other Kansas residents
- Program length: Certificate one year; degree two years
Kansas City Kansas Community College
Students may earn a certificate in heating and cooling at KCKCC. The curriculum includes safety orientation, refrigeration system components, electrical theory and components, basic sheet metal, HVAC fundamentals, heating system fundamentals, electrical fundamentals, workplace skills, heat pump systems, system servicing and troubleshooting, EPA 608, electric heating, cooling, and refrigeration.
The instructor will then select nine hours of electives for students from the following: refrigeration theory, refrigeration system components, heating and refrigeration internship, R410-A certification, cooling II, special projects, electrical controls and motors, and geothermal heating. They complete 44 hours of coursework to earn their certificate and are qualified to take industry exams in refrigerant safety.
- Location: Kansas City, KS
- Accreditation: The Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $105 per hour for Wyandotte residents, $114 per credit for other Kansas residents
- Program length: One year
Washburn Institute of Technology
Washburn Tech offers a climate and energy control technology (HVAC) certificate program. The school partners with industry businesses, such as Trane and Snap-On Tools, and with the National Coalition of Certification Centers to give students a comprehensive training opportunity.
The curriculum includes workplace skills, safety orientation, electrical fundamentals, heating systems fundamentals, advanced HVAC electrical theory, advanced heating systems, sheet metal fabrication, HVAC fundamentals, heating system installation, EPA 608, introduction to mechanical refrigeration, heat pumps, and commercial HVAC. The program takes 44 credits to complete. Credits may be transferred to Washburn University.
Students can attend classes in the mornings, afternoons, or full day. The curriculum and fees are the same for each option. Graduates are qualified to take industry exams that include 410-A safety, building automation level 1, EPA 608, HVAC/R ICE, meter certification, OSHA-10, and tool safety.
- Location: Topeka, KS
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $10,675
- Program length: Mornings or afternoons two years, full-day one year
Washburn University
Students who earn the climate and energy control technology (HVAC) certificate at Washburn Tech may enter the climate and energy control-industrial technology degree program at Washburn University. Students complete an additional 27 credit hours to earn their degree. The coursework includes tech survey, mathematics, writing, the Washburn experience, and electives from humanities, natural science, and social science.
- Location: Topeka, KS
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $322 per hour (Students enrolled concurrently at Washburn Tech and Washburn University may have their tuition reduced.)
- Program length: One year
Overland Park aspiring technicians may find that online institutions can meet their needs if they cannot attend one of the above schools. Information on accredited online programs is available at online HVAC training.