Accredited HVAC and HVAC/R Schools in Grand Rapids, MI
It’s essential that students choosing to attend school select an accredited institution. Various independent agencies and organizations offer accreditation, which evaluates the quality of the curriculum and the instructors.
Two organizations are recognized as accrediting HVAC and HVAC/R programs. HVAC Excellence has accredited Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, MI. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has awarded accreditation to Grand Rapids Community College in Grand Rapids, MI. Due to its accreditation, Washtenaw is included in the schools profiled below, although attending would require Grand Rapids students to commute. The Higher Learning Commission, a reputable regional organization, has accredited all the profiled schools.
Grand Rapids Community College
GRCC offers an HVAC/R technology certificate and an HVAC/R technology degree. Both programs feature classroom lectures and hands-on practice in the lab. Graduates of either program are qualified to seek employment as HVAC/R technicians.
The curriculum for the certificate program includes basic refrigeration, refrigeration applications, metallic and non-metallic joining, HVAC controls, HVAC theory, blueprint reading and design, duct construction and design, HVAC/R electronic controls, mechanical codes, commercial refrigeration, and advanced HVAC/R. They also choose one of the following electives: direct digital controls, boiler operation, or geothermal HVAC systems. They receive their certificate after 38 credits.
Students enrolled in the degree program complete all the technical coursework. They also complete a math elective and select either an HVAC internship or a technical elective. They must also complete 15 hours of general education electives from English, humanities, social science, and natural sciences. They earn their degree after 60 credits. Students planning to obtain a higher degree from another institution must meet additional general education requirements.
- Location: Grand Rapids, MI
- Accreditation: PAHRA; Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $118 per credit
- Program length: Certificate (30 weeks); degree (two years)
Kalamazoo Valley Community College
The college offers an HVAC certificate program that prepares students for entry-level positions as HVAC technicians and installers. The curriculum includes electricity, HVAC controls, refrigeration, EPA recovery/certification, heating concepts and systems, sheet metal layout, oil burners, hydronic heat, hot water boiler, HVAC system design, low-temp commercial refrigeration, heat pumps, chilled water systems, shop fundamentals or duct design, and customer relations. Students complete a minimum of 37 credits to earn their certificate.
- Location: Kalamazoo, MI
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $120 per credit
- Program length: 20 months
Lansing Community College
LCC students may obtain an HVAC certificate or an HVAC degree, or they may choose an HVAC/R energy management engineering technology degree. Coursework in all programs is presented in classroom lectures, followed by hands-on training in the lab.
Students seeking a certificate complete the following curriculum: HVAC fundamentals, applied electricity, HVAC/R piping, sheet metal fabrication and installation, air conditioning, heating, hydronics, refrigeration, and general industrial safety. They are awarded their certificate after 45 hours.
Students enrolled in the HVAC degree program complete all the technical coursework included in the certificate program. They add the following technical curriculum: mechanical code, heat pumps, direct digital controls, and two electives from the following: introduction to the build environment, drafting/intro to CAD, National Electric Code, electric motor maintenance, residential energy, and combination welding. They must also complete general education electives in English, humanities, fine arts, mathematics, and natural sciences. They are awarded their degree after 87 hours.
The HVAC/R energy management engineering degree is designed as a transfer degree to another school for a bachelor’s degree. Institutions to which students plan to transfer may require additional coursework. To earn their Lansing degree, they must complete 78 hours. The curriculum includes the same technical coursework as the HVAC degree program, including precalculus, physics, public speaking, composition, technical writing, world regional geography, and mythology. They must also complete the same general education courses as students in the HVAC program to earn their degree.
- Location: Lansing, MI
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $114 per hour
- Program length: Certificates (vary); degree (two years)
Washtenaw Community College
Washtenaw offers students two HVAC/R certificate programs and three HVAC/R degree programs.
The HVAC/R – Residential certificate program includes the following coursework: HVAC, sheet metal fabrication, residential and light commercial heating systems, residential and light commercial air conditioning systems, residential HVAC competency exams and codes, and soldering and brazing. They complete 25 credits to earn their certificate.
The HVAC/R – Commercial Trade advanced certificate is designed as a capstone to the HVAC/R residential certificate. The curriculum includes refrigeration systems, hydronic systems, commercial industry standards with competency exams, energy audits, and air system design and layout. The program requires 17 credits to complete.
Students enrolled in the HVAC/R degree program complete all the coursework in both certificate programs. They also complete electives in math, writing, arts, humanities, natural science, social science, and speech for 60 credits to receive their degree.
The HVAC/R/EMU Technology degree program meets the requirements for transfer to the Eastern Michigan bachelor’s degree program. Students complete a maximum 90 credits of technical and general education coursework at Washtenaw, then finish with a minimum of 30 credits at Eastern Michigan. The articulation agreements between the schools guide the coursework details at each institution. Prospective students should consult with an academic advisor before enrolling.
The HVAC/R/WSU Electromec or Mechanical Engineer Tech degree program is designed for transfer to the Wayne State University bachelor’s degree program. Students complete a maximum of 76 credits of technical and general education coursework at Washtenaw, then transfer to Wayne State and finish earning their degree with a minimum of 48 credits there. The articulation agreements between the schools determine the details of coursework required at each. Prospective students should consult with an academic advisor before enrolling.
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $95 per credit
- Program length: Certificates (vary); degree (two years)
Grand Rapids students who cannot attend one of the above schools may find that online institutions can better meet their needs. More information on accredited programs is available at online HVAC training.