Accredited HVAC Schools in Little Rock, AR
Accreditation is a process by which an independent agency evaluates the quality of the curriculum and instructors of an institution. Students should ensure that they select an institution that is accredited when choosing a school.
Two industry organizations accredit HVAC programs. HVAC Excellence has awarded accreditation to Arkansas State University-Beebe, Searcy, and Arkansas Tech University, Ozark. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has not accredited an Arkansas program. Arkansas Tech University is included in the profiles below, due to the accreditation, although attending would require a lengthy commute for Little Rock students.
Note: The information in this article was compiled in June 2020 during the “shelter-in-place” and “stay-home” restrictions. The schools have temporarily suspended classes or are transitioning to online options to comply with the restrictions. It is unknown at this time when classes will resume or which, if any, will be available on-campus. The profiles below indicate on-campus as per normal operations. Any questions as to timing and format should be directed to the school administration.
Arkansas State University-Beebe
ASU-Beebe offers a certificate of proficiency program and a technical certificate program in HVAC technology. Credits earned in the technical certificate program may be transferred to the general technology degree program. Credits may also be transferred to other Arkansas schools.
The certificate of proficiency program includes three courses: air distribution, materials, and HVAC/R components. The coursework totals ten credit-hours. Students in the technical certificate program build on those courses with additional curriculum that encompasses electrical motors and components, gas heating systems, electric circuits and controls, HVAC/R systems, electronics, technical mathematics, and career communication. They earn their certificate at the completion of 34 credit-hours.
The general technology degree program is designed to add general education studies to the technical coursework with the goal of improving the student’s employability and opportunities for promotions. Students complete 15 credit-hours of general education including instruction in English, math, microcomputer applications, psychology/sociology, history, and electives. The technical coursework includes the credits completed for their technical certificate and electives based on their chosen specialty. The degree is awarded at the completion of 60 credit-hours.
- Location: Searcy, AR
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $102 per credit-hour
- Program Length: Certificates vary; degree two years
Arkansas Tech University
ATU offers HVAC (and HVAC with facilities management) certificates, as well as HVAC (and HVAC with facilities management) degree programs. The programs are taught via classroom lectures and hands-on practice in a fully equipped lab. Students are required to take the EPA Section 608 exam and gain universal certification prior to graduation. Additionally, they are required to sit for employment-ready electrical, air conditioning, and heat pumps industry competency exams (ICE) before graduating.
The HVAC technical certificate curriculum includes the fundamentals of electricity, tubing and piping, industrial safety, basic compression and refrigeration, industrial controls, electronic components, schematics, residential systems, heat gain/loss, air conditioning service, business English, technical mathematics, and an internship or approved elective. Students choosing the facilities management option replace some of the above coursework with metallurgy, carpentry, plumbing, and industrial fluid power. Both certificate programs require 36 credit-hours to complete.
Students seeking the HVAC degree or HVAC with facilities management option degree complete the technical curriculum of the respective certificate programs. Both require a total of 60 credit-hours to earn their degrees. Additional curriculum for the HVAC degree includes boiler operations, commercial refrigeration, sheet metal, welding, composition, social science, and computers. Students choosing the HVAC with facilities management option also complete coursework in management and grounds maintenance.
- Location: Ozark, AR
- Accreditation: HVAC Excellence; Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $129 per credit-hour
- Program Length: Certificates one year; degree two years
University of Arkansas Pulaski Technical College
The UAPTC offers an HVAC/R certificate of proficiency program, an HVAC/R technical certificate program, and an HVAC/R degree program. The programs require 15 credit-hours, 32 credit-hours, and 61 to 62 credit-hours, respectively.
The curriculum for the certificate of proficiency program includes basic electrical currents, an introduction to HVAC/R, the principles of HVAC/R, and technical mathematics. The curriculum for the technical certificate program encompasses the above coursework, as well as electrical controls and electives such as residential HVAC, commercial HVAC, heating systems, commercial refrigeration, unitary refrigeration, and a residential or commercial internship. Students also complete coursework in career essentials, technical mathematics, and English composition.
Students in the degree program complete the coursework in the certificate programs. Technical electives in the certificate program also are required coursework in the degree program. Additional coursework includes system design, microcomputer applications, computer concepts, and a social science elective. Technical electives include boiler operations, welding, and special projects.
- Location: North Little Rock, AR
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
- Tuition: $134 per credit-hour
- Program Length: Certificates vary; degree two years
Students in Little Rock who are unable to attend on-campus schools may find that online institutions can better meet their needs. More information on accredited programs is available at online HVAC training.