Accredited HVAC Schools Colorado Springs, CO
Accreditation is a process by which an independent agency evaluates the quality of an educational institution’s program, including curriculum and instructors. When choosing a school, prospective students are encouraged to determine if it is properly accredited.
Two industry organizations are responsible for evaluating and accrediting HVAC programs. The Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation (PAHRA) has awarded accreditation to Front Range Community College in Fort Collins, CO, and HVAC Excellence has accredited Pikes Peak State College in Colorado Springs, CO. Front Range is included in the profiles below due to the accreditation, although it is a two-hour commute for those living in Colorado Springs. The other programs have received regional accreditation from respected entities.
Front Range Community College
Front Range Community College offers one degree and four certificates for aspiring HVAC/R technicians. The certificate programs include HVAC/R fundamentals, residential HVAC, light commercial HVAC, and commercial refrigeration.
The 15-credit HVAC/R fundamentals certificate includes an introduction to HVAC, basic refrigeration, basic electricity, and electrical components. The other certificates build on these basics. The 35-credit residential HVAC certificate provides additional education in advanced HVAC, troubleshooting, customer service, communication skills, and more.
The 37-credit light commercial certificate is similar to the residential HVAC certificate, with an additional focus on industrial controls. Finally, the 28-credit commercial refrigeration certificate covers commercial refrigeration.
The 60-credit HVAC/R degree program includes all of the coursework required for the certificate programs as well as an internship or capstone project and general education coursework in English, math, science, and an elective.
Students will be trained to safely handle refrigerants, troubleshoot common HVAC/R systems, operate gas fuel torches used in brazing and soft soldering, perform general maintenance and servicing of HVAC/R systems, and develop the highest level of professionalism as well as communication skills.
- Location: Fort Collins, CO
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and PAHRA
- Tuition: Resident ($263.20 per credit-hour); non-resident ($401.25)
- Program length: AAS degree (four semesters); residential HVAC (three semesters); light commercial (three semesters); commercial refrigeration (two semesters); HVAC/R fundamentals (one semester)
Intellitec College
The HVAC/R degree program at Intellitec College prepares graduates for employment as entry-level residential, commercial, and industrial technicians. Classes are available during the daytime and evenings. The program teaches students about installing, maintaining, and repairing HVAC/R systems.
The 99-credit curriculum covers various subjects, including electricity, gas furnaces safety and codes, heating fuels and combustion analysis, refrigeration, residential and commercial air conditioning, pneumatics and controls, load calculations, organizational communication and etiquette, business English, and customer service, among others.
The coursework prepares students to sit for industry certification exams including EPA Section 608, Combustion Analysis Technician, R410A Refrigerant Safety, and Green Awareness & Carbon Monoxide Safety.
At the end of the program, students will be well-equipped to maintain and repair residential and commercial HVAC systems; operate, maintain, and repair commercial refrigeration systems; troubleshoot chilled-water and water tower systems and pumps; read blueprints, and more.
On successful completion of the program, graduates can pursue opportunities such as refrigeration technician, heating equipment technician, HVAC control technician, facility maintenance technician, HVAC mechanic, environmental maintenance technician, HVAC service technician, and more.
- Location: Colorado Springs, CO
- Accreditation: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges
- Tuition: $39,950 for the full program
- Program length: 19.5 months
Pikes Peak State College
Pikes Peak offers multiple certificate programs and a degree program in HVAC technology. The 35-credit residential HVAC/R certificate program qualifies graduates to seek positions as helpers or apprentices through courses such as basic refrigeration, electricity for HVAC/R, fundamentals of gas heating, piping skills for HVAC, air conditioning and refrigeration controls, and residential air conditioning.
The 18-credit industry upgrade certificate has been designed particularly for employed technicians looking to advance their skillset. Courses in this industry upgrade certificate include heating for commercial, direct digital controls, advanced refrigeration, advanced air conditioning, and residential heat pump service.
The 15-credit direct digital controls certificate program qualifies students for entry-level employment as environmental control technicians for HVAC systems in commercial and industrial facilities. Applicants for the program must have four years of work experience or a degree in HVAC or facilities management technology. This includes courses such as a survey of electronics, building automation: installer; building automation: service, and building automation: advanced operations.
The 68-credit HVAC degree program covers the same coursework as the certificate programs as well as additional trade classes in commercial heating, hot water heating systems, advanced HVAC/R, and heat pumps. Degree students also learn communication and technical writing skills, and take classes in computer applications or computer literacy, math, and workplace psychology. They complete the program with an internship or sheet metal fabrication.
On successful completion of the program, graduates can take up roles such as HVAC installer or repairer, HVAC contractor, business owner, or HVAC instructor.
- Location: Colorado Springs, CO
- Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and HVAC Excellence
- Tuition: $148.90 per credit
- Program length: Industry upgrade certificate (two semesters); direct digital controls and residential HVAC certificates (three semesters); degree program (four semesters)